Part 5

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Since Cassie didn't seem to be so proficient at making small talk, Vincent decided to break the ice and introduced himself:

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Since Cassie didn't seem to be so proficient at making small talk, Vincent decided to break the ice and introduced himself:

"I'm Johnathan." he told her his public name.

"I'm Cassie, but you already knew that, Marla said my name earlier. Hey, can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer if you do not want to..."

"It's no problem, go ahead and ask; I'll be honest and tell you if I can't answer."

"Why did you come in a club wearing a suit? Won't you sweat a lot if you dance dressed like that?" Cassie asked.

"It's all about prestige, girl! That is a 4 piece Purple Label Ralph Lauren suit probably worth more that our monthly salaries combined, and that includes tips!" Marla was quick to answer.

"Actually..." – Vincent pause for effect and glared at Marla who had already turned her attention back to Peter – "I just came here directly from a meeting and this" – he pointed at Peter, than back at himself – "is also a business meeting."

"In a club? At this hour? I can barely hear you over the music! You guys are a little odd." Cassie said smiling.

"So Cassie, what do you do here?" Vincent asked next, aiming for a subject change.

"Well, we have to make sure people have a good time and order lots of drinks and sometimes we also do private dances."

"Speaking of which, me and Cassie have been practicing a routine we'd like to show you boys. Get over here girl!" Marla interrupted. In a very rude way I might add. Vincent though, as he was starting to enjoy the conversation.

"And since this is a private show, let's pull those curtains nice and cozy, away from prying eyes." The blonde continued as she started to pull the drapes.

Vincent could see alarm on Kyra's face as she was closing in ready to protest, while Manny was almost laughing at her reaction. Peter probably had a mental talk to her as she calmed down but Vincent could see she had stopped just next to their booth, before they were completely separated from the rest of the club with those red, heavy velvet curtains.

"I'm not sure I'm ok with this Peter!" Vincent told him telepathically.

"Oh stop being a spoil sport and just enjoy the damn show. Moscow was two hundred years ago, live a little!" He replied the same way.

"Fine, have it your way!"

Leave it to Peter to try and coerce me into having a good time. Vincent thought.

The girls were doing their number when suddenly, Cassie flung herself at him with a speed that made her seem to fly across the floor, while her friend appeared frozen by comparison. Her teeth had elongated and following her eyes, which were now shining a bright purple, she was aiming for his neck.

Peter was looking at Vincent wide-eyed, shock and disbelief in his expression, vividly aware that from his seat, he had no time to react even with their abilities. Vincent on the other hand, did. So he caught Cassie by the neck mid-flight and stopped her in her tracks:

"What have we here? Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused, young one?"

*Author's note: 

Picture - Cassie (Chloe Moretz)

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ). 

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