Part 4

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Meal time he had decided would be interaction/bonding time. They would see each other during meals at least once a day from there on, and having something in front of him to appear preoccupied would help her relax instead of feeling under scrutiny. In some ways one might think it would give the appearance and feel of a regular relaxed family lunch/dinner etc. Maybe not from the start, but later on.

He knew it was wishful thinking at the time, but he was hoping that it would eventually work.

45 minutes later the guys arrived, coincidentally at the same time, and he headed to the living room to greet them. As he sat in his favorite armchair, browsing his favorite online human news publication - as in one media group the Keepers didn't control - he heard the doorbell and mumbled under his breath:

"Oh, just come in already. I know you both have keys."

Ding - Dong!

"Politeness aside, I know it's my house, but are you seriously expecting me to come and open the door for you? And yes, I can hear you and I know you can hear me as well." He said and heard a key in the lock.

"Join me in the living room, please." He added as they walked in the lobby, still not raising his voice.

"Good morning, Johnathan. How may we be of service today?" Karl said mischievously.

"Oh yes, good morning Your Highness!" Manny added, joining in the joke.

Three could play at that game!

"On your knees and kiss my ring!" Vincent boomed in a pretend royal voice.

Karl was confused and Manny burst out laughing.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" His voice was low at that moment, calm and menacing.

At which Karl's expression turned from confusion to horror while Manny choked on his laughter, his eyes going wide.

THUMP – went Karl's knees on the blue themed Persian rug in the living room.

"Ahahahahahaha oh my God and may I add a LOL. That was too easy, again. Karl you do realize it's the second time I get you this week alone right?"

"Ha, haa! I have to admit that was funny Vincent. Oh man, you are such an easy target bro" Manny said to Karl.

"Well I was thinking Alaska office again, and the wife hates the cold. Plus you really don't know what Vincent is capable of when he is angry." he defended.

"And look who's talking! Your face was frozen in fear, mister big bad lion" Vincent replied to Manny between laughs.

"'t was not! I got surprised by Karl's reaction, that's all. Never seen anyone give in so fast before." said Manny trying to look smug.

"Dude, if I had a tree in the middle of the living room, I would now be phoning 911 for the fire-department to come and rescue a stranded kitty from the tallest branch."

"BUUULL-SHIT! And I AMNOT A DAMN KITTY!!! How many times are you going to use that line?" thewerelion growled, his eyes flashing gold. 

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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