Part 4

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"Irregular maybe, but it is still a rule, and still my right. And I do remember John's situation very well. Not only was I there, but I also was the one designated to have him removed, as I'm sure you remember." He replied coldly as he had considered John to be a friend, and being reminded of the situation gave him no pleasure.

"The Council will hear about this and they won't like it Vincent. They won't like it one bit." Peter said, a veiled threat clearly present in his tone.

"Do what you need to do Peter. I will certainly do the same." Vincent answered blandly.

"Kyra, airport." Peter said and that was the last time they spoke for the remainder of the night.

The trip back was uneventful. Vincent called in some favors and got permission to land the helicopter directly in the courtyard behind the mansion; while Karl had sent his two top enforcers over to help with the security of the... well Vincent had to think of her as a prisoner for the moment.

The next morning, as the sedatives were about to wear off, he decided to go check on her and after he returned to his office, he got back to writing down his impressions about 'the subject'.

*~* Vincent's journal notes:

It's ironic to think that while I'm trying so hard to prevent anyone finding out about us, I am in fact taking all these notes, but one could argue it's for research and scientific purposes. Not to mention, with all the published fantasy stories out there, full of partial truths and a few lies would make anyone pointing a finger look like an enthusiastic fool who read too many stories online.

Come to think of it, more than half those novels I know for a fact are based on true events and real people. People being a very broad term. If someone still thinks humans are the only or even the dominant species of the planet, that human – cause only a human could be that arrogant – is in for a big surprise.

Hmm, actually no, he is perfectly fine as long as me and a few of my colleagues, from the same species or not, keep on feeding the shroud over the regulars' eyes.

Anyway, as I was climbing the wooden interior stair to go check on my captive, I noticed the steps still creaked. Maybe I should have someone over to check out their structural integrity. It's probably not the best time to do it though.

The 'boys' at the door nodded and stepped aside from the entrance to let me pass - no, they are not children; most people would call them huge masses of muscle, especially Barry.

I entered the room slowly and waited by the door for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, as the thick brown curtains hadn't been drawn to allow the light in.

"Morning sunshine!"


*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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