Chapter 4 - The meeting - Part 1

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"Hello Peter!"

"Vincent! Good to see you, my dear man!" Peter answered him with a lot more enthusiasm than he was expecting. Which surprised him, and he wasn't easily surprised.

"Is the area clear?" Vincent asked not bothering to check.

"Kyra swept it before I got in; she found four surveillance devices on the bottom floor and three down here in the basement. One was right under the table! Amateurs!" Peter answered me.

"Indeed, what did you do with them? Tell me you didn't break them!"

"Vincent! What do you think I am? A newborn? I just had the one under our table moved two tables over. The music should cover the distance, and they won't know the difference."

"Same group?"

"Yeah. I just don't get why you oppose disbanding them at every centennial meeting. They are a constant nuisance and we always have to be careful what we say in any semi-public place!" Peter retorted.

"Because the known 'enemy' is not actually an enemy. It's just another piece on the chess board. And making them feel successful means they don't get smarter and try to employ new tactics. Plus I have my own reasons."

"You dirty bugger! You have someone on the inside don't you?" Peter asked.

"How do human politicians say it? I can neither confirm nor deny that piece of information." Vincent said with a grin than continued: "I tried to call you on your cell phone, but I must have misplaced your number." He added trying to change the subject.

"Right, like I'd ever get one of those infernal devices. It's like painting a bull's-eye on your chest and strutting around like a peacock. Insane, that's what it is." Peter said, visibly annoyed.

"I see you are as paranoid as ever! And yet, Kyra has a cell phone." Vincent replied with a devilish grin. "So whaddya do? Lose a bet?" He asked and waited for a reaction.

Peter's face was displaying a multitude of emotions at that moment: shock, disbelief, anger and bewilderment to name just a few.

"How in the world would you know that? It happened just two days ago and she only got the phone yesterday. Are you following me around?" Peter asked in an accusing tone.

"Peter! I would never do that! I'm too busy with my own stuff and I almost never leave Chicago. I have other people on that task." Vincent said with a cunning smile.

"Whaaaaat??? How dare you!" he answered, raising his voice.

"Oh C'mon! Stop acting like a human! You know, as a Keeper, information is your most valuable tool and stop pretending you were not doing the same thing in the past. The only reason you haven't done the same yet is because you were missing the data on my current res; besides it's not like I would blame you. That is what we do and as long as you or I or anyone else for that matter doesn't intend harm by exposing us, there is really nothing to worry about."

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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