Part 3

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"Maybe someday," he was answered.

"One more question boss, why do you get so involved with the Samantha thing? I mean I don't get it. She hasn't even been working for you for that long," asked Manny.

"Happy employees are more efficient at their jobs, get better results and especially... smile more. And I really like happy people in general," Vincent said.

"I think it's time for the next thing on the agenda – our guest upstairs."

"I can take her description and name, I assume you know at least that, and trace her steps back from what she remembers – if you get her to talk to you – then collaborate them with the attacks and maybe find out where she came from and what her story is," Karl said.

"I for one don't understand," Manny added, "I mean isn't that 'thing' supposed to be your prisoner? Since she attacked you and everything?"

"She ATTACKED Vincent?!?" Karl asked incredulously, "Where the FCUK where you dude? How the hell did you even finish your training? And you are supposed to have better senses, agility and stuff as a were! Werelion Protector my ass! The entry bar must be set really low these days. I think my 2 year old kid could do a better jo..."

"Kaaarl!" Vincent said in a quiet, calm voice, trying to stop his head of security's anger ranting.

Manny's face was livid, remorse clearly readable from his body language, while his eyes moved from the rug to the Enterprise Sailing Ship Replica above the fireplace, then from the ship to the giant star chart on the northern wall and back to the rug.

The quiet voice was something that Karl had come to know and fear in all his years as Vincent's Protector, and he definitely hadn't forgotten it since giving up the role and becoming a full time family man and father. His new job as head of security was a lot safer.


"No, Karl. You don't know the whole story. And Cassie," Vincent said and paused a little, "is not an 'it' and as far as you both and I are concerned, she is not a prisoner but a guest. She may be a special, troubled kind of guest, for which we take extra security precautions, but a guest nonetheless. The only time she is to be referred to as a prisoner is when we talk to Peter or any of my other Keeper 'friends', assuming she is not in ear-shot distance."

"I see... but still I am wondering how, knowing some of the stuff I know about you, it was even possible for her to get in a position to attack you, after she gave the slip to Manny's watchful were eyes," Karl insisted on adding bitterly.

"Oh for fcuk sake! Shut up already!! Both of you listen to me! Firstly, Manny you couldn't have known what her intentions were because I'm pretty sure now she didn't know either and so there was no indication in her behavioral patterns about her next move, nor was the environment around a factor to consider an extra level of security was necessary, I should know, I knew the guy who wrote the Protector 'manual'. Can you ask Leon if there was ever a case in were history where one could get disconnected from one's beast?"

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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