Part 4

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Manny appeared to think intensely about something, probably talking to his animal half, then answered:

"He says no. Well actually there is something, not sure if relevant, but I think he'd better explain it."

"Hello Vincent, Karl. There are 2 cases in were history that have some similarities to what you have described, but they are far from being identical.

One is the case of Andreas of the SilverLake. He was a werehorse raised in the wild in a herd, but was not actually born there - obviously. He was not even aware of his human side until his herd got ambushed by a small pride of werecats of the panther subtype that was out teaching their young the way of the hunt. Apparently he and a brown mare were separated from the rest of the herd and forced to run into a man-made enclosure near the edge of the local forest. As the record goes, the werepanther leader shifted to his human form to lock the enclosure and heard Andreas mind link unshielded the famous saying: 'Do my eyes deceive me? Once a predator cat now a predator he-man. How is that fair?' He was taken of course to the nearest werehorse herd for reintegration. It took him nearly 2 years to awaken and get to know his human half but during the first 6 months they say he started to shift to human for a few hours every couple of nights and wonder about, without ever remembering anything about it the next day. Big difference is he was never aggressive.

The other case was with a wolf were, who lost his mate in an attack while on a hiking trip. The attacker was 'so fast, and dark, like it absorbed all the light around him, I wasn't fast enough, I wasn't good enough, I failed my mate, I failed, I don't deserve to live" or so were his delirious rants when they were found almost 4 days later according to the local were-designated M.E.. His mate was eviscerated all around him, while he was laying there in his own filth, with only a puncture wound to the back of the neck directly into the spine that left him paralyzed. Apparently they did not even have time to shift to their animal form to defend themselves. What is more unexplained is that he was never able to shift afterwards, which by the way would have healed him of his paralyses, nor was anyone able tocommunicate with his beast ever again. If things could be even weirder, the M.E. concluded that since there was no other trace or evidence of a different presence at the scene, one hypothesis was that he killed his mate, and his own wound was self-inflicted. This was later classified as impossible since there has never been an attack between true mates in either written or oral history of were, no matter what species subtype one would refer to. Not sure if it helps, but that is everything I know," Manny's beast said in his raspy, melodious voice.

"Thank you Leon! At least now I have some reference to start with and go from there. In conclusion I want you to go ahead with your investigation of her Karl, and Manny you will stay around the house from now on. Your new task will be to become her peer friend. You are light, happy and carefree in your demeanor, at least when Karl isn't picking on you, and I would like some of that to rub off on her. The doctor says her age and E.Q. is around 15-16 so she should be almost as childish as you are," Vincent said and grinned at him. 

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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