Part 2

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Vincent could see that Peter had been holding his breath and only relaxed when that phrase was finished. One needs to know that Vincent got part of that information from Peter's body language, but mostly from his energy shift.

"So maybe we could get down to business? The reason we both came here for?"

"Certainly! Anyway it's good to see you Vincent. I was getting worried something maybe happened to you." He continued.

"Why Peter, I didn't know you cared! Let's be honest now, you've always been a little paranoid and you were only worried you could be next, old man."

"Well, yeah maybe I am a little, but when you know as much as we do, you have to be careful. Anything could happen. And I'm not that old! I do not look a day over fifty!" Peter said.

"Kyra, Manny please join us at the table for a couple of minutes" he said mischievously, but without raising his voice at all. He knew they could hear him from their chose positions, even with the insanely loud music in the club.

Manny started to approach and so did Kyra, but it seemed like she was rather moving to intercept him than get to us. Peter noticed that as well and looked to me to check that was indeed Manny. I nodded so he told her in the same low level voice to get to us.

"By the way Vincent, what happened to Karl? I was expecting to see him here tonight with you." Peter asked

"Well, it was time for him to get a family. He was only focusing on helping me and he rarely remembered to take care of himself. I made sure he met his mate then transferred him to being the head of security for the company and my other assets. Same pay, less travel, more stability. He deserved it after almost 40 years of service. Peter, I'd like you to meet Manny, my second."

"An honor to meet you, sir!" Manny said and extended a hand.

"Likewise young man!" Peter answered as he took his hand.

"And this is my second, Kyra, though I think you have already met her at our last meeting." Peter said to Vincent.

"Indeed, nice to see you again Kyra!" He said as he, in turn, extended his hand in a friendly greeting.

Seeing the confused look on her face, Peter clarified:

"Vincent is like me. He has undergone one of the adaptive changes since you first saw him in Lisbon, 23 years ago."

"Nice to meet you - again. Although I feel it's the first time we do." Understanding was clear in her eyes but when their hands touched, he felt a static energy discharge of some sort, kinda like sparks. She looked shocked for a split second, then swiftly turned on the best poker face he had seen in the last 200 years.

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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