Not easily forgiven

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A/n: this is the result of a panicked sunshine because she has school tomorrow also the frustration because in every story she reads 99% of the one shot is bts being mean and 1% of them saying sorry also jungkook is always a softy and forgives them. So in this one shot it's gonna be 100% jungkook not forgiving them🥰 oh and a hint of Adele👍🏽

(I also wrote this at 12 am so excuse the mistakes lmao thanks)

Jungkook POV

How could they? After 8 years of being a family they want to throw that all away because they think I trashed all of their lyrics??? Wtf? All it took was one mistake that I didn't even do to lead me to this moment. To this feeling of sadness or was it guilt maybe even a hint of anger? Whatever it was I wasn't happy. Nor was I confused about this feeling of mixed emotions I knew what it was.
It was betrayal.

"I didn't do it I swear why don't you believe me?!"

I said that so many times.

They heard me and they didn't care.

They watched the tears and hunger for relief and they didn't care.

They felt the thick tension in the air yet they didn't care to thin it out.

They would taste the venom they spat from their mouths yelling at me and again they didn't care.

They could smell the regret when they realized I was right but it was too late.

They didn't care.

So neither did I

"We are so sorry jungkook please we didn't mean it"

I heard but I didn't care.

I watched them beg but I didn't care.

I felt them tug on my heart for forgiveness but I didn't care.

I would taste the salty tears as I stared at old photos of us but I didn't care.

I could smell the regret on them but I just couldn't find a bone in me to care.

It was dinner time, I had to go there and pretend to care about them. To pretend that I forgave them.

It's been 2 days since the regret filled their stomachs instead of food that Jin would make.

I thought today would be nice today I could take it till I make it, however the earth had other plans.

"Jungkook-ah do you mind if you could pass the salt"

I nodded as I gave Taehyung the salt.

I could see them become more and more tense as I just nodded with each question or statement instead of talking like how I usually would.

Why do I do that now? Well how about I tell you.

We had just gotten back from our dorm after the fight had broke out in the practice room. Tears still down my face my hyungs still angered.

"Please hyungs just listen to me!"

I begged and begged my knees getting sore from the bowing.

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