The fall of BTS

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A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed Mother's Day here's part 3 to all I did was work!!


We regret everything we did. If we had known how tough things were on jungkook then we would have been softer.

If he just told us what was going on and how he was feeling this wouldn't have happened.

We wouldn't have been failing.

We would still be growing as a team and fandom.

And life would be good.

It wasn't our fault our fans made those edits or said those things.

It wasn't like he got death threats or anything.

They were just petty comments and nothing serious.

We've faced a lot too, like the time we almost lost our whole album because of a stupid staff member.

Or the time our performances were canceled for some stupid sickness that wasn't even bad. Only a few hundred people were killed nothing major.

And another time when WE got hate comments. They were way worse than his and his group.

Speaking of is group what does he expect. His group has ugly people and non Koreans. It's just not right.

He even attacked bangpd. He has done nothing but great things to us.

We are the true victims and jungkook is the bully.

Jungkooks POV

I already knew what they were gonna say. 'I did this' 'I did that'.

Back when I was in the group they would always do that to get me in trouble.

Speaking of, bangpd. One time he put me on a horrible diet.

My mother always told me to eat if I was hungry so that's what I did. I was on the diet yes but the diet was inhuman.

I could only eat one meal of one chicken breast and a apple that was all. I had to do that every other day. The days between I wasn't allowed to eat at all.

So when I did eat I got in huge trouble. They starved me for a whole week. Since I was only 15 and underweight it made me so weak.

That lead me to be taken off the dance line. I was shaking every time we would start the music.

My voice was weak and my stomach hurt a lot. My body was failing and I was only 15.

When I brought the news to bangpd he laughed and said..
"You want to be a idol don't you?"

I nodded.

"Then suck it up. We don't play with dolls and cry for mommy and daddy when we're hurt."

"But I'm hungry!"

I yelled. That was my mistake.

I was so native then that I believed him. All the lies they told of how this was normal, I believed.

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