Chapter 3

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*Lily's POV*

———3 Days Later———

I've been in bed for days thinking of what just happened. My dad was murdered, my mom murdered him. I don't know if she actually murdered him though. I keep on getting texts from my friends asking if I'm okay, I never responded. Usually on days like this I take a shower, read, write in my diary, listen to music, watch Netflix. Right now I just feel empty, my heart is broken into pieces. Today was the funeral and I knew I had to get ready, it's 8:39 a.m. and the funeral starts at 9:00 p.m. I also had to speak, all of us kids had to speak. I finally got my funeral dress, my black flats, put my hair up in a bun and I curled it. Turned my phone on silent and then I checked my phone, a text from Katie.

'Hey, are you okay?' ~Katie. I didn't answer it as usual. I went to the funeral, most of the speakers said about how they worked with him. How he was a good man, or how he carried out groceries for them. It was now my turn, my whole family was out there counting for me, I can do this.

"My dad was a very good dad, I know it sounds silly saying that. Most dads these days would give up on their children, not him. When I was little my dad would tuck me in every night, no matter what. I remember when he would read me stories, even though he's not really a reading kind of guy. When I used to get bullied at school when I was little he would tell me it was all okay. I think the saddest part of all this is that my dad won't get to meet my next boyfriend, he won't be there for my graduation. My dad will be gone for my wedding, he won't be able to be a grandfather. I remember when my dad had cancer, he got through it."

I started crying for real this time.

"Rest in peace, daddy."

After the funeral I left, the church was close to the school so I just went in my funeral clothes to the school. Everyone kept on saying, I'm sorry for your loss. I saw Demi, Katie, and Jess. They all gave me a hug, after that it was pretty much normal.

*Time Skip*

I decided to go to the prison and visit my mother. They said it was okay, I was nervous yet excited about it. I mean she was my mother, she deserved to have a visit.

"Hi mommy," I said

"Hi honey, did the funeral go okay?" She asked me in a calm voice

"Ya, I did okay I think. Did you do it?"

"No, I'm innocent. You have to believe me!!!" Mom started to panic

"Hey, of course, I believe you. But how are you gonna get out?" I asked

"You need to go. Go to my house there's an extra key under the doormat. Go into my room, they're some files, go to the one that says 'Unknown' and you will find the evidence." Mom said

"Okay, I really miss you, mom," I said

"I miss you too." I went out of the prison and went to mom's house. I saw the key under the doormat, it was pretty noticeable. I got to mom's room she had a lot of files, which one? Oh, yes 'Unknown' I looked into it. It had a picture of my mom on the date Feb 24, 2015, the date my dad was murdered. My mom wasn't at the crime scene, she was meeting someone in New Orleans. Of course she didn't murder my father, there was also evidence that says the killer killed my father with a gun. My mom needed a gun, so she couldn't have had a gun anywhere. I got all the evidence and went to the police station, I felt really nervous.

"Hey, officer?" I asked

"Not you again..." He whined

"I got evidence that my mom isn't guilty," I said

"Let me see it," The cop said, he looked through it.

"Okay, next week is your mom's court date, and the judge will decide if she's innocent.

"Oh, thank you," I said and then gave him a big hug!

"No, I don't hug..." He said, I just couldn't believe this was happening!

A/N: Remember that this isn't a fanfiction, it's just a teen fiction story.

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