Chapter 18

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*Lily's POV*

I'm happy that I'm on my way home right now. Callie's brother Hudson is so cute! I've always wanted a younger brother! Alice is also fun to talk to, she says she knows what it's like to lose someone. Callie kinda fell asleep, it seems like she can actually sleep soundly. Then Callie's mom started talking to me.

"So how are you doing with you know.." She said, I kinda know what she means. I mean it does suck losing someone you love, then finding them alive.

"I'm okay." I said, it was a lie.

"Are you really okay?" she asked, of course I'm not okay.

"No, I'm not," I said, it felt weird saying that.

"You're in my prayers!" She said, then I fell asleep. We finally arrived in New Orleans aka my hometown. They took me to my house, my aunt Caroline looked worried.

"Oh my god. Lily I was worried sick." Caroline cried! God, I missed her.

"I know. Where's Levi?" I asked I haven't talked to him in ages.

"Hey, say goodbye to your friend, then we'll talk." I nodded and said goodbye to Callie.

"Hey Lily, call me anytime," Callie said, of course, this will be hard.

"I will, I promise." I gave Lily a hug then I left. I went inside and found Caroline. She looked happy and mad at the same time.

"What happened to Levi?" I asked Caroline. She had a sad look on her face.

"Levi killed himself," Caroline said, oh my god. How could I forget to talk to him? This is all my fault. I should've done something different.

"You mean.. He's dead. How did it happen?" I asked this couldn't have gotten any worse. I can't handle this type of news. I was actually having a good day.

"Well, he overdosed. I'm so sorry, I know you had a good friendship with him." Why did he have to do this? I'm angry with the world, ugh.


"I'm sorry just please calm down," Caroline said I couldn't deal with this.

"I can't calm. Look Levi is dead because of me. He killed himself because of me." I shouted it was all my fault.

"Look none of this was your fault. He was crazy, he started cutting himself."

"So I'm crazy too. I cut myself."

"It's not like that."

"No, Caroline. Don't." I said, how could this happen.

*Time Skip.*

"Lily! We missed you so much!" Jess shouted

"You looked so pretty today!" Katie cried

"Yes. We're glad you're home." Demi said

"I know about Levi," I said they had a gloom look on their faces. They probably didn't expect this.

"I'm so sorry," Demi said

"Ya me too. When's the funeral?" I asked

"There already had it."

"And you guys didn't wait for me?" Did I ask how could everyone turn on me?

"I'm sorry.." Jess started to say

"You know, you guys were supposed to be my friends. We're supposed to stand up for each other." I cried

"We're really sorry," Katie said

"Ya, I am too," I said, then I left. Just like that.


A/N: Good day people! I went to hot topic and got 2 bracelets so yay! Like/Vote pls!

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