Chapter 11

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*Lily's POV*

"Dad? Is that you?" I asked in my mind and out loud.

"Ya, it's me." he said, then I gave him a stern look, I didn't feel like talking to him

"What do you want?" I straight out asked him

"Look, baby. I need your help." Dad said, he looked hopeful. I wanted to say just to go back where we came from, but he's also my father

"Okay, what do you need?" I asked, he then looked much more relieved

"I need your help. Someone is after me.... I need a place to stay." He said I knew it would be something bad.

"No thanks, you can find another place," I said, this reminded me of when we fought when I first found out he was alive, I was so angry.

"Look, I know I'm not your favorite person. It's just that, I feel so alone right now. No one to turn to, remember what that felt like?" He asked me, of course, I know what that feels like.

"You wanna know what I remember? I felt alone when I found out you were dead, how about when demi was kidnapped. Or how about when I was kidnapped, you have no idea what it's like to feel alone. To feel like the walls are closing in, and you have to run away so you don't stay stuck forever. You don't know what it's like when your own mom wants you dead, and you don't know what to do. You don't know what it was like being kidnapped, held in a cell. You never once came back for me, so stop trying to get sympathy from me, you're not going to get it. I've never felt bad for you, do you know what was going on through my head when I thought you died? I remember the old you that would read to me every night, you would kiss me to sleep every night. You took me to the Father Daughter dances, cut my pizza for me. When I thought you died, you don't know what it's like imagining a life without a father. So get out of my house right now, before I call the police." I said all of that, then he left.

"Hey, Lily. Are you okay?" Demi asked, thank god it was just her

Ya, I'm fine." I said, then Katie and Jess woke up silently

"Morning!" Jess said, she was always the happy one, well the positive one anyways

"So, are you ready?" asked, Katie. Now I'm like totally confused

"For what?" I asked all of them, I was still really confused

"Um, today's Monday. On Tuesday, it's your birthday!" Jess cried

"Oh, I forgot. Sorry.." I sighed, I've had so much stress, I forgot about my birthday

"How could you forget? You're turning 15!" Katie cried with cheer

"Ya, I'm kinda tired of growing up.," I said, I kinda sounded depressed

"C mon, we have to do something.." Demi started to say

"No thanks, I kinda just wanna be by myself," I said, it wasn't exactly a lie

"Okay, it's cool!" Jess said, I hope it was

"Okay, let s get to school. I can't miss another day," of course Katie would say something like that. I kinda miss that, us friends talking about normal stuff. We went to school, everyone gave me hugs, it was really nice. The whole day kinda went fast, after school I went over my aunts house and we talked. It was nice for my life to be normal, even for a little bit.

*Demi's POV*

After school we decided to meet up at Katie's, we decided not to invite Lily because we're planning a surprise party for her.

"So how many people should we invite?" Katie asked

"How about the whole school?" I asked

"Perfect," Jess said, it was nice to have this moment, I just wanted a moment of normal. Just for once

"Wait, let s make a list of her favorite playlists," I suggested

"And let s get all of her favorite foods," Katie said

"Yes!" I agreed

"What about alcohol?" Jess asked

"Absolutely." Katie and I both agreed, this was going to be awesome, after a few more preparations, I went home. I just hope everything goes as planned tomorrow.

*Lily's POV*

It's now Tuesday, my birthday. Great, if they sing to be at lunch things won't end well. I just want them to respect my choices, that I wanna be alone.

"So I was thinking you could come over my house. We could have a movie marathon.." Katie suggested

"Yes, that would be nice. I'll be there." I said, after school I went home and took some of my doctor who DVD"s. I got a text from Demi.

Demi: Hey do you want me to pick you up?

Lily: Ya, that'd be cool, thanks..

I wonder why everyone was acting so weird, maybe it was just normal. Then Demi came she was wearing a dress, wonder why. I went into the car, and just sat and listened to Ed Sheeran. He always had so meaningful songs, I can always relate. We then went to Katie's, I didn't really care about all the cares. The next door neighbors were probably just having a party, I came into the house and there Katie was.

"Surprise!" Everyone from my school was there, I've never been so embarrassed in my life. The thing was, they did this for me, I should be thankful for this.

"Thank you so much! I really needed this!" I said to Katie, Jess, and Demi

"You're welcome!" Demi cried

"Drink?" A random hot guy asked, I took the drink and started drinking. I then saw Levi, I haven't heard from him in forever.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked

"Ya, you were never good enough for me," I said

"What? I'm confused..." Levi started to say

"We're over..." I started to say, I felt really dizzy...

"Hey, Lily. Are you okay?" Levi asked I collapsed. I didn't know what happened, I felt dead, I wasn't, but I felt like it.


A/N: Yes, a cliffhanger...

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