Chapter 30

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*Jess's POV*

Today is the day we bury Lily, this will be the worst day of my life. I'm not fully prepared for today. I put on a pair of black tights and a short tank top dress with a leather jacket. I put on a pair of converse to add to the outfit. I'm very nervous about today. All her friends have to speak at her funeral. I mean, I know what I wanna say, I just don't know if I wanna say it. I remember Levi's funeral like it was yesterday.


I wasn't planning on speaking at Levi's funeral, it kinda just happened. Katie and Demi were too chicken to speak. I finally just got off my ass and went to the front.

"Levi was a good person, he cared about others. I'm sorry Lily couldn't be here today, she would love to be here. Levi and Lily had a special friendship, he could make her laugh and make her cry. I miss that side of Levi, the cute side. Levi was going through a lot at a time, I just hope he rests peacefully up theirs. We miss you, Levi." Then I sat down and it was over with, it wasn't the hardest funeral.

Flashback Ended

I saw Callie looking at me then I began to run toward my room. I didn't feel like talking at all right now. I got this way when someone wanted to talk about certain things, and I didn't.

"Jess, I know you don't wanna talk to me. Look, I know what it's like to lose someone and I'm sorry for your loss." Callie said then I just stood there silent. I didn't feel like talking to Callie at all. I just wanted to be alone, for now.

"Today is going to be the worst day of my life," I said then Callie sighed apparently she didn't, believe me, I don't know why. I just feel like today is the day I'll break down crying and not be able to stop.

"The worst day of loving someone isn't the day you lose them, it's the day when people stop caring. Trust me, when people stop caring it hurts like a bitch." Callie said then I smiled and got my purse. I saw Katie and Demi walk down the stairs, they looked beautiful. We got into the car and started driving. The song that was playing was Give me Love by Ed Sheeran, that was Lily's favorite song. We finally got to the church, it was crowded with people. Lily wasn't popular at school, but she was well liked. Lily always cared about people, even when they didn't care about her. I saw Caroline, she looked devastated. We finally got inside the church. The first one to speak was Katie, she looked hella nervous.

"Lily was a caring friend, even was I wasn't caring back. Lily and I had an odd friendship, we got into fights a lot. I was always jealous of her, a lot. When we were little we would always play school, and I would be the mean girl. I was Lily's first friend, I will never forget that. I will never forget when Lily and I would talk about all the drama in our lives. I will never forget you." Katie said then started sobbing and crying, she could barely take it anymore. It was now Demi's turn to speak, this should go we well.

"Lily was a good person, and she deserved the world a lot more. She was always happy, and I miss her being happy. When I found out Lily died in that car crash, I felt sick. You know, I was the one driving. I just wanna die, but I can't. do that to my friends. I feel like I'm stuck where I just wanna see Lily one last time. I just want Lily here, we will miss you." Demi sighed and left the stage and went back to her seat. It will Callie's turn, yay.

"Lily and I met at the treatment center, she was a wreck. I felt bad for her, she's lost a lot of people. I was happy for her, she finally had hope in her life. When I found out about Lily I wanted to break down crying. I felt so lost, I can't even explain it. I stayed strong for the rest of Lily's friends. I will miss you, Lily." Then Callie left the stage and sat down. It was my turn, I went up front and breathed for a second. I can do this!

"Lily had a heart, you could say that. She cared for others much more than she cared for herself, Lily was selfish. I couldn't handle it when I found out the news. I also couldn't handle the fact that Aria has to live without a mother and father. Aria will be a foster kid, and I can't handle it. Rest in peace Lily." I said then I left the stage, after that we all left. We didn't see Lily get buried, we couldn't handle it. We will miss you, Lily, always and forever.

*Lily's POV*

"Are you ready Lily?" Levi asked then I smiled, I couldn't wait for this to get over with. I am going to a better place, I'm dead now. I will miss my friends, but they will live.

"I'm ready." I said then Levi took my hand and took to above the clouds, the clouds are beautiful.

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