Chapter 28

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*Time Skip- 8 months later-*

*Lily's POV*

We all decided to go shopping at the mall for baby clothes, even Callie came along. I was now 8 months pregnant, the baby could come anytime. I was excited, but also scared about having the baby. Then I felt something, it was hitting me hard.

"Lily are you okay?" Jess asked then I didn't say a word, it hurt like hell.

"Ahh," I said then I realized I was in labor, I didn't imagine for it to be today. I didn't want this today.

"We need to get her to the hospital," Callie said

"Not really dipshit," Demi said in a panic as we all got into the car, I knew they were all stressed out. panic as we all got into the car, I knew they were all stressed out. I felt the baby coming out, it was coming closer.

"HURRY UP" I screamed at Demi as she was driving, I was panicking.

"I'm trying as hard as I can," Demi said softly, I hope we're almost there. I think I finally calmed down, at least I hope.

"It's coming closer," I yelled then Jess, Katie, and Callie helped me.

"We're gonna have to deliver it right now," Callie said as I nodded, I couldn't do this. It would come out, I can't get it out. Demi kept on driving, trying to get to the hospital. Jess looked terrified, I wasn't terrified. I don't care if I die, I just want the baby to live. I never asked for the gender, I wanted to be surprised. I never imagined my life to be like this, I imagined my life being perfect. The thing is I don't want perfect, I want struggles along the way. I never wanted Levi dying to be one of the struggles. I miss him, I want Levi with me right now.

"Come one, Lily, we almost got it out," Jess said then I screamed like no other, it hurt like hell. I just realized I was still in the car, how can we be delivering in a car? This was insane, it was kinda funny though.

"Lily, you're almost there, keep it going," Katie said then I saw the head, I see it! I can't believe that I can see my babies head. I don't know why, but I'm so excited that I see a babies head. It still hurt, I just wanted this pain to be over with.

"Lily we see the head, we're making progress. Come on, don't give up." Katie yelled, then kept on helping. Ugh, it hurt so bad. I see the rest of the body, oh my god. I see it, I don't know what gender, and I didn't care.

"It's a girl, Lily! It's a baby girl." Callie said then I had tears of joy, I had a baby girl! I really did it!

"What are you gonna name it?" Jess asked then I thought for a second, what am I gonna name it?

"Her name is Aria," I said then I relaxed and sat back. I did it, I can't believe I did it!

"It's a beautiful name!"Callie said then winked at me, I still can't believe I did it, I love Aria!

"We better get the baby to the hospital! Demi please take Lily home." Callie said as they all left and took Aria.

"Lily you wanna come to the front seat?" Demi asked then I sighed, not knowing if I wanted to. I just wanted to sit back here and relax.

"No, I'm kinda tired. I think I'll just stay back here." I said then started to fall asleep and waking up at the same time. I'm so happy I got that over with! We were still driving, I hope we made it! I was scared, this could be life and death situation.

"How are you doing driving Demi?" I asked then she smiled at me and missed a turn. We crashed into another car, I didn't put my seatbelt on. I just layed there, silently.

*Demi's POV*I kept on driving the whole time, I didn't have as much control. Lily looked tired, we better hurry!

"Hey, how are you doing driving Demi?" Lily asked as I turn around then I lost control of the car. I couldn't stop it, we crashed into something. It was a car, I can't believe I lost control of the car. I woke up finally, Lily didn't. I am so damn lucky I had Callie, Katie, and Jess take Aria to the hospital. I called 911 and they're on their way. I hope they come soon.

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