Chapter 24

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*Lily's POV*

I can't be a mother, I need to get rid of this baby. I can't have the thought of Levi in my head. I can't do anything right anymore. I don't know if I can do this. I don't know why my life has turned to this, how did this happen? I don't understand this. Katie is taking me to get my abortion, I want this baby out. All this baby makes me think about it Levi, and I don't wanna think about Levi. I just want this nightmare to be over with

"Are you ready?" Katie asked then I frowned. I didn't want any sympathy. This is my fault, I was the one that slept with Levi. This is all my fault. I want things to go back to normal. I remember when I felt normal, last Christmas.


It was Christmas, like usual Jess, Katie, and Demi and I went to the park together while it was snowing out. If it wasn't snowing out, then we sat in the cold. Since I was with Levi at the time, he came with all of us. This year we did secret Santa, Demi opened her present first. She unwrapped the wrapping paper.

"You got me a Sleeping with Sirens beanie? Thank you so much, I love you, Lily!" Demi said then I smiled, wait how did she know I gave it to her.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked then Demi smirked

"The receipt had your email address," Demi said then smiled, it was Katie's turn to open her present, Katie got a mocking jay necklace.

"Thank you Jess!" Katie said then Jess winked at her. It was now Jess's turn to open her present. It had blue dye and black highlights so Jess could dye her hair. Jess looked so happy.

"Thank you so much Demi!" Jess said, now it was my turn to open up my present, I opened the case and it was a necklace. The necklace said, "I will be with you forever and always love Levi" It was a necklace he gave me. I will always cherish that necklace forever.

"So Katie why didn't you give anyone a present?" Jess asked then we all laughed, oh the good times.

Flashback Ended

I went into the abortion room, I see the necklace that Levi gave me. I'm wearing the necklace. I never wanted this, I just wanted Levi right now. I touched the necklace, Levi wouldn't want this. Levi would've wanted me to keep the baby, I hear Levi's voice.

"Keep the baby"

No, I need to get rid of this baby, I can't have this baby. It just reminds me of you Levi.

"Keep the baby, you'll regret it."

No, Levi. Get out of my head

"Keep the baby"

"Get out of my head!" I screamed and the nurse heard me, I knew Levi was still in my head.

"Are you alright?" The women asked and then I nodded, I can do this. I can't keep this baby.

"You can keep it"

He just won't stop. I can't keep it, never. I can never do these kinds of things. I love Levi.

"Are you ready?" The women asked and then I nodded and frowned. I can do this, I know I can.


Levi and I were on his front porch, we were having strawberries for a snack, I loved these memories.

"Do you ever think about our future?" I asked then Levi nodded

"Ya, someday I wanna you and I to have kids. I've always wanted that. Flashback ended

"Are you okay?" The nurse asked then I didn't answer, I didn't even nod. I can still hear Levi's voice in my head.

"Keep the baby. I love you"

"Miss? Is something wrong?" The nurse asked I know I needed to get out of here.

"I don't want to get an abortion." Then the nurse nodded, I ran out of the room.

"Are you okay Lily?" Katie asked while following me to the car. I hope I made the right choice, I need to keep this baby.

"Give me the keys," I said then Katie handed me the keys, and I started driving, even speeding.

"Lily, what happened?" Katie asked and frowned. I knew I wanted to tell Katie what was going on.

"I'll explain when we get to your house," I said then Katie nodded

"Ya, if you don't crash the car first," Katie said sarcastically, we finally got to Katie's house. I handed Katie her keys and ran into the house.

"Now can you tell me what's going on?" Katie asked then Jess and Demi joined us.

"I heard Levi's voice, all he kept on saying was "keep the baby." I had a flashback, Levi would want me to keep the baby. This necklace Levi gave me it on Christmas, I think it's a good luck necklace." I said then Demi had a stern look on her face, I knew she wanted to say something.

"I think you made the right choice," Demi said

"Yeah, you should keep it," Jess said

"Your boyfriend's dead, you should've aborted it," Katie said then she left the room.

"So since you're keeping the baby, what will happen after it's born?" Jess asked then I thought for a minute.

"I'm gonna put it up for adoption.

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