Chapter 8

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*Demi's POV*

Lily probably died in that fire, there's no way she could've made it. That night we all spent the night at Katie's. We were all grieving together, we never expected this to happen. I thought she was gonna kill me, but she wanted me to think that. She knew we would save her, she wanted me to suffer just like my father did. I just feel a little responsible for this, I should've known that she would do this. I got about 5 minutes of sleep last night, but that was it. It's weird, I used to go over Lily's house all the time. Lily's mom would always bake me cookies, and she would smile. This is harder on me because I was Lily's first friend, her first ever friend. Great, now Katie is waking up, I really don't feel like talking to her.

"Hey, how long have you been up?" Katie asked

"All night," I said, how could she sleep

"Look, I know you're upset about Lily, but you just need to realize that people die and they move on." She said, what? There's Katie, trying to act strong.

"And just forget about her?" I asked

"Yeah, kinda. I mean she was kinda selfish," she said, I'm about ready to punch her in the face.

"Really? Selfish? When her dad died she cared about other people than herself. When I was kidnapped, she insisted on finding me. She was never selfish, and you know what? You're the selfish one." I said, and then I got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked

"Anywhere other than here." I said then left, I decided I should go and speak to my dad. I'm scared, but also happy. I opened the door, and they were very surprised. But, it was my little sister Elena.

"Demi?" She asked

"Hi, Elena. I missed you." I said

"Where's mom and dad? I need to talk to them." I said

"Oh, I'll go get them." she said but then she went on "Can I have a hug?" She asked

"Of course," I said, then I hugged her tightly

"What going on-?" Mom was asking then she saw me.

"Hi, mom." I sighed

"OH MY GOD! I've missed you so much!" Mom yelled

"Really? Because you've never searched for me." I said

"Hey, of course, we tried," Dad said

"You didn't try hard enough," I yelled

"You know I love you. Right?" He asked

"Sure, I know that. Can I talk to mom alone?" I asked

"Of course." He said

"Hey, what's up?" She asked

"I know what happened, with Lily's dad," I said

"I don't now what you're-" I cut her off

"Don't lie to me, don't pretend you don't know. I'm sick and tired of secrets, we're supposed to be a family. The family should never have secrets." I said

"Oh, how'd you find out?" She asked

"Lily's mom killed Lily's dad for revenge. She kidnapped me for revenge, then she... she killed Lily for revenge." I said softly

"That's not possible.." She said

"It is, you wanna know why? You weren't there for me when I was being kidnapped and abused. She starved me to death, because of your stupid mistake." I said

"Hey, baby.." She started

"No, don't. I'm late for school." I shouted, then I headed to school. When I got there, everyone was staring at me. They gave me hugs and said they missed me. In reality, they didn't. I saw Jess and Katie, I ran over to Jess.

"Hey, Jess!" I yelled with excitement

"Hi! So you left this morning?" She asked

"Ya, Katie said some stuff about Lily and I don't know. I just lost it." I said

"Awe, it's okay," Jess said

"Hey, I'm sorry about-" Katie started

"DONT" I shouted then I walked away. And then I saw women I recognized, it was Lily's mother.

"What are you doing here?" I shouted

"I need to talk, with all of you. Demi, Katie and Jess." We all nodded in agreement


A/N: Sorry, the next chapter will be worse...

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