Chapter 26

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*Lily's POV*

Today I'm gonna see my father, he needs to know. He's the closest I will ever have a father. My dad has made mistakes, but I know I have to forgive him. I need to talk to him, or at least try. Callie is driving me to his house, I'm glad that we're becoming friends. We finally got to his house, it was like a mansion.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Callie asked and I sighed, I thought it through all night. I thought about skipping, but I have to do this.

"I'm sure," I said then I left the car and headed toward my dads house. It was a really big house, I'm glad he has decided to take on some responsibility. I rang the doorbell, I heard footsteps. It was my father, why the hell did I just fall him, my father?

"Hey, Lily! This is a surprise, what are you doing here?" Dad asked then I sighed and frowned at him.

"I'm pregnant," I said then he looked confused, almost as he thought I was kidding and thought this was a good laugh.

"That's not funny." My dad answered, then I looked shocked. I can't believe him. He doesn't believe me.

"I'm not joking," I said then he just stared at me, it was an awkward stare. I finally walked right past him into the doorway, his house was huge. "Prove it," Dad answered then I just took there, he was kidding, right? How can I prove it? By singing a baby song.

"I've got an ultrasound." I said then I pulled it out to show him, he had joy in his eyes.

"I'm happy for you, but you're in high school. You can't take care of a baby." My dad said then I started to get angry.

"I can if I want to, but I need your help." I said then my dad looked shocked, he was about ready to blow up.

"Yeah, I once said that to you, remember what you said to me? Goodbye, Lily." Daddy said then he slammed the door in my face. I ran down the steps and went into Callie's car. She didn't ask me anything, it was just dead silence. I touched my necklace again, it made me feel close to Levi.

"Any other places you wanna go?" Callie asked and I was shocked, I knew where I wanted to go. I know where I needed to go.

"Levi's grave," I said and then Callie drove to the graveyard, it was really daylight right now. We finally got them, I'm scared to death. I don't want any more flashbacks in my head.

"Can you just wait here?" I asked Callie and she nodded then I walked to Levi's gravestone. Many people have sent flowers to him, I'm glad that people still care about him. I should talk to Levi, I need to talk to Levi.

"Hey, Levi. I decided to keep the baby, god I'm so stupid." I said then I saw his ghost, he was beautiful.

"You're not stupid. You made the right choice."

"What if I didn't? My dad hates me." I said then the ghost sighed

"You can't let your dad control you."

He's gone now, I wanted Levi back. Callie and I went back to Katie's house. I went and grabbed a snack and fell asleep. I didn't really sleep at all last night. I had a dream, god I loved dreams.


"Levi did you find my hairbrush yet?" I asked him, god I loved my hairbrush. Then Levi shook his head.

"You know, I don't think I'm good enough for you," I said to him then he looked confused.

"No, it's the other way around. I'm not good enough for you. You better get dressed, you get to meet my parents!" Levi said cheerfully then I went up and got dressed.

Dream ended

I woke up, but why? I never wanted this, I needed to see more.

"Why did you wake me up?" I screamed at Demi then she looked frightened. I don't think she realized what she's done.

"I'm sorry, but you were screaming." Demi tried to say even though I was pissed at her.

"But I saw Levi, I need to see him," I said then Demi sighed and then I went back to sleep.

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