Chapter 10

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*Lily's POV*

I'm still really surprised that I'm still here, and that I finally got my mom. I hope she goes to a rehab center, she needs it. I just really need to tell my friends what happened, but in private. I don't want anyone else knowing what happened. We decided to go over Katie's house, that's where we usually had our sleepovers when we were younger. That was, of course, was things were a lot easier, especially when you're young.

"So, I'm ready to tell you guys everything, but you can't tell anyone," I said

"We promise," Katie, Jess, and Demi said at the same time


"Oh my god, let's go!" I shouted

"Not so fast!" My mom yelled

"LILY NOO" they all cried. I ran out of the house, I barely made it.

"Let go of me mom!" I cried

"Never, this is my revenge. You're Lily's friend, so I'll kill you instead!" Mom shouted

"You would really do this to your own daughter?" I asked, then my mom nodded

"Well not today," I said then I grabbed the knife, and I stabbed her in her right arm. She's right handed so she will be weaker. I then ran off to a small house, reminded me of my parents old house. I went inside the house, it had a couch big enough and small enough for me. I went to sleep, it was pretty peacefully, I woke up I recognized someone I used to know.

"Dad?" I asked

"Ya, it's me." He said

"But, is it really you?" I asked them started sobbing

"Ya, it's me." He said I was just so confused

"But, how are you alive?" I asked, this just made no sense

"It's a really long story, but I'm here. You are happy, right?" He asked me, I don't know. I had mixed feelings about my dad being back. I didn't know what to feel

"But I saw your body at school. You were dead." I said, he nodded then started talking again

"I wasn't, that was my brother." He said this was impossible

"So you put me in all of that pain. Does mom know? Because she kidnaped Demi, she kidnaped me. Mom tried to kill me." I said out loud, at the time it was good to get that off of my chest.

"I know I'm sorry..." I don't think he knew what to say, I mean that's what selfish people do

"And you never once came for me, you just stayed there. You never turned yourself in, you cheated on mom with Demi's mom." I said to him, loud and clear

"I know I'm sorry... I wanted to be there for you. Your mom was after me, I didn't want to die. I wanted to be there for you." He said he's just selfish

"You know what dad? You never once cared about us! All you care about yourself, you're selfish. You let my mom almost kill me, and you risked your brothers life for your own. I never want to see you again." I said to him straight, he looked hurt. I didn't care

"I'm sorry... Lily." He started to say, but I cut him off

'Don't." I said


"So, your dad is alive?" Demi asked she looked kinda disappointed

"Ya, he was selfish. I left and stayed with my grandma that lived right by there." I said softly

"But, you waited to tell us you were alive," Katie said, wow I knew this would happen

"But you weren't there. I came back, for you guys, maybe I made a mistake." I said then I headed for the door.

"Lily wait.." Jess ran toward me

"For what? I'm tired of losing people, I lost my dad, my mom. Please, I can't lose you too

"You won't," Katie said, then we all watched doctor who, and fell asleep. They did at least, I stayed awake. Then I heard someone come at the door, it was my dad. He was covered in blood.

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