Chapter 4

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*Lily's POV*

After I left the police station, I went to my room to get some sleep. I got my sweats and t-shirt on, then I went to bed.


"Dad, is that you?" I asked

"Ya, well not alive. It's me though." He said

"Oh, my god. Daddy!" I cried and he hugged me

"Look, we don't have much time, but your mom isn't innocent," Dad said

"What? How could that be?" I asked

"That evidence was fake, think why your mother would have evidence in her room?" he asked

"Because she killed you... because she's not innocent," I said, more like a question

"That's right. Look I love you." Dad said, then vanished.

*Dream ended*

I woke up, and then realized it was just a dream. My thoughts were getting to me, of course, my mom was innocent. I can't let those kinds of things get into my head. I got ready for school and then headed there.

"Hey, Lily!" Katie said

"Hey, girl!" I said

Hey babe" Levi yelled

"Hey, I've missed you!" I said flirty

"You seem happy.." he dragged on

"Ya, my mom's getting out of jail

"Really? That's awesome!" Levi said

"Ya! Did you visit her yesterday?" Katie asked

"Ya." I said

"That's nice," Demi said

"I'm so happy for you!" Jess yelled

"We should probably get to class." And Katie ruined the moment. It was basically the same routine each day, nothing new. Then came to T.A. with Demi and Katie, I mostly talked to Katie. Then Demi and I headed to lunch and talked to each other on the way up. Then I got my lunch tray and everybody kept looking at me then Demi stood up to the front of the lunchroom


"Thanks, Demi," I said. We all eat our lunch, which the lunch wasn't that bad. Then I saw a woman I recognized.

"Mom?" I asked. Then I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"I missed you so much." Then I cried...

"You better eat the rest of your lunch honey, we'll talk later." She said

"Okay, I love you!" I said

"I love you too." Then she left, just like that, I was kinda surprised she got out that early.At least mom wasn't in there for that long. After the long night I decided to do some more homework then the news came on, it was very shocking news

"Demi Stewart was kidnaped at 1:59 pm. Anyone who has any information, contact the police immediately." OH MY GOD...

A/N: Sorry it was kinda a short chapter, will post a new chapter tomorrow!

Family SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora