Chapter 16

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*Callie's POV*

I just woke up, Lily was still asleep. She was used to sleeping in, I've been here for about a couple months. I'm kinda used to it. Lily finally woke up, I thought it would take forever.

"Finally." I said peacefully, she didn't say anything. She just sat there looking all confused.

"You need to get dressed. Then i'll go over the schedule with you." Lily then got a tank top dress and a pair of flip flops.

"No, you can't wear those clothes!" I cried, of course she was new here. She didn't know what she was supposed to wear.

"But, these are the only kind of clothes I brought." She said, she looked disappointed that she couldn't wear the stuff she felt like.

"I've got you covered. I have tons of extra clothes that I don't use anymore." I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a batman tee, and black converse.

"Thanks." She said, there we go.

*Time Skip* (Still Callie's POV)

I went over the schedule to Lily. I had to get to thearapy, I always hated thearapy.

"Okay, I got to get to thearapy. Since it's 1:02 pm, you get to do your homework. Bye!" Then I ran. I had to get to therapy and talk. The therapist started talking.

"So how's your new roommate Lily?"

"She's fine."

"Tell me about her."

"Well, she has Bipolar. She self harms."

"Do you know why she self harms?"

"No." I said sheepishly.

"You can tell me."

"Well. Her mom killed her dad. Her mom kidnapped her and her bestfriend. Her mom tried to kill her." When you say it out loud, it sounds crazy.

"Oh, ya I heard about that."


"How are you doing on eating?" She asked

"I'm doing okay. Can I be excused?"

"Yes, Callie." Ugh, finally that's over. Decided to go back to the room. I had to make sure Lily didn't get into any trouble.

"Hey Lily. How's it going?" I asked

"Good, but can I asked you a question?" She asked me, now I'm scared.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Why are you here?" She asked

"Well, after my brother committed suicide, I started not eating. At first I wouldn't eat breakfast, then it got worse. Kids at school would tease me, I started eating again. Then I started self harming. My parents found out, they were scared I was gonna do something stupid so the sent me here."

"Oh. That's sucks." Lily said, bitch.


"I'm sorry..."

"Ya, me too." I said it went into awkward silence. Then I smelled smoke.

"Do you smell smoke?" I asked. Then the fire alarms went off.


A/N: yes a cliffhanger. In other news in a week I'm getting braces!!!

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