Chapter 29

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*Callie's POV*

We're still at the hospital waiting for Aria, I just hope Demi and Lily are doing okay. I sat there for a moment thinking about everything, I remember Adam like it was yesterday. Aria kinda reminded me of Adam, a big brother that could take care of his sister.


It was a good day, I was with my friends at the mall and we had a blast. I was walking in my kitchen looking for Adam.

"Hey Adam, are you home?" I asked and called out, there was no answer. I really needed to talk to Adam.

"Adam? This isn't funny." I called out and started searching for him, he wasn't in the garage. He wasn't in his bedroom, where the hell was he? I searched the kitchen, I searched everywhere. There was one place I forgot to search, it was the bathroom. I went into the bathroom, I saw Levi but he was lying on the ground, there was a note beside him. I picked it up, it said..

Dear Callie,

I don't know what I did wrong, I tried my best. When I look at you, all I see it good. I've always been jealous of you, of how you have it so good. You have friends, people that like you. I may only be two years older than you, but I've learned a lot. I couldn't do it anymore, they were just being so mean. I wish I was never born, that's how I've been feeling like. I will miss you, always and forever.


Flashback ended

I realized that I went into deep thought, I don't wanna think about Adam right now. I saw Demi coming in, wonder what happened.

"Demi, what happened?" I asked then she panicked, I don't know if I can deal with this.

"There was a car accident with me and another driver. I'm not hurt, but Lily is. We're lucky you guys took Aria to the hospital." Demi said then started crying

"I'm so sorry, when will they know?" I asked then I thought about it, what would I do without Lily? God, I don't even wanna think about it.

"In a couple of hours," Demi said then she sat down and sighed. She looked like she had a bunch of emotions. I don't think she knew how to control her emotions.

"I'm sorry about calling you dipshit earlier," Demi confessed, then I sighed. I never got an apology before.

"It's fine, it happens a lot," I said then smiled and glared at the nurse. They better hurry up, and soon.

*Time Skip

It's been two hours, they better tell us something soon. I saw Jess and Katie come out, they looked worried as hell. I'm debating whether to tell them anything or not. The nurse is here, thank the lord!

"I'm sorry girls, but Lily's gone. We couldn't save her in time." We were all silent, except for Demi, she freaked.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT! IF YOU DID YOUR JOB RIGHT LILY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE" Demi yelled then stopped, she looked scared and sad. I do know what it's like to lose someone.

"Lily.." I tried saying then she stopped she a second and tore apart crying. I knew Demi couldn't help it.

"No, this wasn't supposed to happen. Lily was supposed to grow up, she was supposed to raise Aria. Lily never went to college, she never graduated." Demi said then she began crying and sobbing. I can't believe this is happening

"And Lily was supposed to find another man to keep her happy. Lily never even got to hold Aria once, oh my god. Why, no I can't." Demi said then broke down crying, she was really hurting. I knew Lily's death would affect Demi the most, she's the most emotional. I saw Caroline, also known as Lily's aunt, she looked worried.

"What's going on?" she asked all of us, and we just started at her. We didn't know what to say. Finally Jess stepped in and said something to Caroline.

"I'm sorry, but Lily is dead." Jess said then Caroline almost broke down crying. She looked so shocked, and who can blame her.

"No, how could this happen? Excuse me." Caroline said then she ran out of the room.

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