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"Shit !"she exclaimed as she pushed open the conference room door

Steve tossed her file on the table in front of her. She was sitting next to Tony, the only one who knew everything, and the rest of the Avengers were around the table, staring at her.

"You have some explaining to do, I think!" he almost yelled to her

Emerson moved from her file to each person in the room, trying to read their emotion on their face. Peter looked a little disturbed, Wanda was beginning to understand, Natasha-despite a blank face-had already figured it out, Steve was angry, Sam didn't understand what was happening, Thor wasn't there, Loki was avoiding her gaze, and Bucky...well, Bucky was making it clear that he hated her for some unknown reason.

"I've known you for what? 2 days? and you expected me to tell you my whole life? You're stupid or what?" she replied

"We deserved to know who we worked with!"

"You should have search before calling for my help then, Steve!"

"Why can't you tell us?" asked Peter

"Because it's going to change everything, Peter. "

"What do you mean?"

"My life isn't something fun." she finally added

"I think you should tell them mer." said Tony

"Really? You think they'll understand?"

"Maybe, maybe not, it's going to take some time but they should know."

"Okay" she sighed "okay I'll tell you"

"Thank you Emerson" replied Steve

"So where to start...As you may have heard, I'm Peter's older sister. We are 5 years apart. When I was 7, my parents took me for a walk. We got in the car and I didn't understand why because my 2-year-old brother was in the house alone and I was a pretty protective big sister so I quickly got angry at my parents. I don't know if that's what made them decided but they took me to some kind of orphanage and left me there. We had a little more than 2 hours' drive so I knew I couldn't try to walk home alone. So, I knocked on the door and they accepted me without really looking for anything. A month later someone picked me up and took me with him, it was Alexander Pierce. I didn't know what was going to happen to me, I just knew that someone was coming to take me out of this awful place where I was beaten up almost every day. I didn't protest and soon found myself learning to fight with people my own age."

" I think it was after 1 year that they started to do tests on us. We had a very tight schedule, in the morning we would fight, the winners would be allowed to have lunch, the losers would be allowed to go to a chair where we would get tortured. And in the afternoon, we had classes about and then we were tested, they injected us with products in our arms and observed what happened. After 2 years, I was the only survivor and yet I prayed and prayed to die. It was like I had a destiny somewhere. From the age of 9, my powers appeared" she paused until the shock of the Avengers had dissipated "yes, I have powers. Anyway, they trained me, beat me, tortured me and I soon started doing missions."

"Who would suspect a 10-year-old girl of committing murders? It was only 3 years after but I didn't remember what my life was like back then so I thought it was normal, I thought I was normal. Then I started to meet people who were not at all like me, normal kids and I rebelled. They didn't like it and made me pay for it with my mind. After that, I had no more memories, no more feelings, no more choices, zero, zip, nada, nothing." 

"When I was 15 years old, they introduced me to my new teammate, we did hundreds of missions, all successful. On my side, I was trying to recover my memories because I could see that something was wrong. So, I helped him and we fell in love, I managed to give him back his memory. And apart from the fact that we were on HYDRA's side and we were tortured almost every day, we were pretty happy. They soon found out and I convinced them that we would work better together so they left us alone. And then, two years ago we tried to run away. I succeeded, he sacrificed himself and remained under HYDRA's control. I don't really know what happened to him. While I tried to recover all my memories, I tried to find Peter and to find a way to save my love. When you called me, I was on my last lead to get him out of there. And now, it's ruined but anyway," she stopped, wiping away some tears that managed to fall and sighed "here's the truth you wanted to hear so badly."

"Mer-" began Peter

"Look, I'd like to talk about it with you but I really need to take some fresh air right now."

Emerson walked outside while the Avengers remained in the room.

"Oh, by the way I wanted to thank you all for getting me out of there." Bucky smiled like nothing happened

"It wasn't us, Emerson did it alone," replied Tony "you should be thanking her."

"Her? You've got to be kidding me!"

"No no, it was her. Why does it seem to bother you so much Buck?" asked Steve

"Nothing. I have to go talk to her, I'll be right back."

He stood up and walked towards Emerson. He came up behind her and waited for the right moment.

"Are you going to keep looking at me for much longer?" she asked without looking back "What do you want?"


"You stuck a knife in my stomach while I was trying to save your life. I don't think there's much to talk about."

"That's just it. The way you fight reminds me of something and I can't put my finger on what."

"So, what do you want me to say?"

"I want some explanations."

"Oh well, I don't know, maybe because I was under HYDRA's orders for 15 years and they trained me."

"Don't get smart with me Emerson, I can see that you're still hiding things and if I found out, I will make your life a literal hell."

"Go ahead, my life's already one." she added before Bucky left

She barely had time to think about what had just happened that Peter was by her side.

"Hey you, are you okay?" he asked her

"Hey Pete, I'm fine. Talking about it just brought up some not-so-happy memories." she replied, faking a smile

"I just got off the phone with Aunt May, she'll like to have you to lunch if you want."

"Aunt May!? I'd love to, I missed her so much".

"Great! We can leave in half an hour, if that's okay. I'll tell her you said yes." he added before calling May and walking away.

Aunt May was the only person who had come to visit her during the month she was at the orphanage. She couldn't adopt her, so she came to see her every day. One day Emerson was gone, but she kept coming, hoping she would come back, but after another month, she gave up. 


A/N: haya everyone! sooo what do you think about the revelation? You can imagine that there is still thing that are going to be bring up but who knows what??

I promise I'm going to do my max to post again this week and maybe also two next week. I know that the chapters aren't very long but I'll try my best for the coming ones. 

By the way thank youuu for the 300 readers, might not be a lot but I'm still glad :)

anyways I'll stop bother you now, love you 3000 <3


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