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𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅


I sighed dangling my feet of the front of the boat. It had a few days since I woke up, more specifically it had like 2 days its hard to keep track of time with a bunch of shit happening all the time.

Mostly people pulling pranks on the new recruits, they also thought it was a good idea to start pulling pranks on me. Which I was not gonna take lightly. I remember that the sorcue of all the pranks on me were Lucky Roo and Yasopp.

I knew that Lucky Roo was pulling shit because he still thinks I was taking his food. Which I was but it still hurt. I didn't know why Yasopp was trying to mess with me, maybe he was bored. But told was the day I was gonna take a stand and not have to deal with all...that.

Right now I was thinking about a prank to pull on them back. I also heard from a very reliable source cough' cough' Benn that Shanks might be trying to prank me for some reason.

Yea me and Benn had been dealing with the same shit so we had been sharing information about what pranks the idiots and Lucky Roo might do.

I also had Gary watch the table they always played card games on, just to know if they were talking about something that might be important to me and Benn. Then it hit me. No literally I was hit in the head with something not knowing what it was.

"I swear to Oden!" Immediately grabbing what hit me I look up too see the three prankys giggling and laughing their asses off. What even is this. I looked to the object in the hand and...

I just sighed and threw it back, I'll be throwing someone off a boat soon anyways. I smirked to myself as I walked away from the deck, trying to walk back into my room.

I'll most definitely need to think of a plan. A plan to make sure that Shanks and the other two will stop annoying me. My smirk grew wider as I walked pass Benn and slipped him a small piece of paper that had the words.

'Distract them'

Written on it.

My plan?


Lucky Roo would be use to 'take care of' in the fact alone that if he isn't on deck then he is in the kitchen talking to the chefs.

Shanks is always with Yasopp with them always being on deck. So now the only question was what to do.

"Ahhh! Why is this so difficult!? I swear I wanna get them back but I have no ideas!" Hoot'. I turned around to see Wilbur holding a shit ton of missed matches socks. Then it clicked.

"Wilbur you are a genius! I am so happy that I thought you how to steal shit!"

A sinister smirk grew on my features as I snickered to myself and patted Wilbur's head to which he let out a small purr.


"WHERE IS MY FAVORITE PAIR OF SOCKS!?" I smiled to myself as I pet Wiblur's soft fur as he laid on my lap. He has been acting more like a cat now that the weather was changing from the nice sunny days to the colder and chilly ones.

But I wasn't simlimg for the fact I had a close friend with me no. Shanks wear either no socks or mismatch socks, never bothering to wear pairs if you don't give him a pair. Just picks random ones and starts his day

There was an exception to that rule though. His lucky pair of socks. Socks he wore every drunken party night. Yes he did in fact party every night, but on Tuesdays it was party harder or become a scrub. Even Ben drank on those days.

But lucky me, today was a Tuesday with it become dark. With chefs cooking and drinks starting to be poured. Shanks could never party without them so I decided get Wiblur to bring me those socks. Then I put then somewhere he would never be able to find them.












In the boat....Yes that did sound weird and easy to find. But I hid them in the gutter of the ship, with walls surrounding the footwear like it was some hidden treasure. It Shanks it was definitely a treasure, I didn't know the reason why the socks were so important. But I did pick up on it when Shanks was telling a new recruit about the story of them. I didn't heard the story, just the part were he said the socks were important.

I stiffened a laugh as Shanks started to frantically run around the whole deck trying to find the socks before the real party had started. He wouldn't find them, or me for that fact since I was hiding in the crows nest. Shanks didn't usually come up here, only Ben and Yasopp. With the expection of new crew members.

"Wherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearetheywherearethey!" That was the screaming I heard as Shanks knocked over people trying to find the socks.

"Shanks come on you can find them later, you'll miss out on all the good beer. Not that beer can me bad hehehehe!" I heard Yasopp shout from within the lunchroom. "B-B-But they are good luck! For me and my crew!" Shanks gave the door same with Yasopp the wicked puppy pout.

I almost gave him them back. Keyword 'almost they had been tormenting me since I came apon this ship. I wasn't gonna let that go just like that!

I just sighed and teleported to my room with a smile on my face. I probably wasn't gonna be getting any sleep anytime soon. So why not get ready for my next prank target. Yassop, I chuckled to myself and walked over to my table grabbing a key. There was a plan already in my mind. He is a sniper after all.


As the recruits that were ordered by their captains sniper to get more alcohol walked pass Y/N's room. They heard a deafening chuckle come from her room. They just shiver and looked at each other knowing that they thought the same thing. "Scary."

Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
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