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Magma hit a few of the men while they continued to dash. Ace shutting his eyes from the things happening around them, Thatch also looked worried.

"What a cowardly crew. Just like their washed up captain." A voice from a distance was heard as many turned around in disbelief. Some others knew it was just to provoke them into attacking. But all continued to run.

"It's not your fault. That's just Whitebeard...a washed up failure." Ace stopped running as the look on his face darkened. Same with the brown haired chief. Y/N moved closer to them. 'I do believe that Thatch has more reason than Ace. Not much though.'

"A failure!?" He shouted as he turned his look from forward towards the ground. Sparks of fire appeared all around him as he turned around. "Take it back."

Someone held his arm and tried to pull Ace away, but he seemed set on defending the name of his father. Breaking free from their hold easily.

"Take it back? It's not an insult, it's the truth." His voice was clearer now, he seemed much closer all of a sudden. Akainu continued to mock the yonko as the flame head continued to grow more and more angry. Fire showing how heated he was getting.

Thatch tried to move, but a harsh grip on his wrist stopped him. "Y/N, let me g-" The dead look on her face made him stop talking, feeling intimidated, maybe even scared as she continued to stare at the admiral. Ace walking closer and closer, slow steps with a dark gaze.

Her hand removed itself from the ghosts coming closer to the front row.

Fire against magma, the floor crumbled as they continued to fight. Obviously ending in how Y/N expected. With her childhood friend being pushed back, burned. Warm patches of skin bubbling. It looked horrible.

Luffy had fallen to his knees, his brother's viver card falling from his pocket. Akainu taking the opportunity to jump towards Luffy, away from Ace who pleaded with him to stop for a second. Fist raised as the rubber-male didn't even realize what was going on.

Looking up at the last moment, a flash of red. Then silence.

Red beads fell to the ground, Y/N stood watching. No look of shock nor sadness while she continued to watch. She skipped for a moment. Watching the looks of horror on everyone's faces, a fist protruding from the flame headed stomach.

Blood leaked from his mouth. Him coughing on it as he missed his stomach. The liquid falling into the palms of his hands.

When the fist was removed, he stumbled backwards. Luffy muttered something as he moved closer to his dying brother.

People shouted, the yonko turning around to see his son dying. A look of the same horror on his face. On the other hand a few were trying to pull the sea stone cuffs from the blond medic.

Explosives, bullets and more were shot towards the marine. Who stood unwavering amidst the fire, nothing stopping him as he moved closer to the two brothers.

On her right, the cook was covering his mouth. Unable to do anything, almost falling to his knees.

"It seems you're still alive if only barely." He stared down at Ace, Luffy beginning to move to help his brother. Even his father tried to move to stop Akainu. Another fist preparing to attack the two as Jimbei jumped in front of them.

Hands being burned as he pushed the magma away. Y/N felt nauseous, the smell of blood mixed with burnt flesh making her want to throw up. Even if something was happening, she could only focus on the smell. Heart jumping slightly.

They all turned to see Luffy and his brother on top of him, only being held up by the face Luffy had his arms around the flame boy.

Blood still pouring from the wound in his chest. There was nothing anyone could do. His voice was hoarse, barely able to make too much noise in the background of cannonballs and swords clashing against each other. Luffy looked at his blood covered hands, talking to his brother as if nothing would go wrong.

"Sorry...Luffy...I...tried..." There were pauses in between his words, his voice barely being able to come out of his throat while the girl only watched from the sidelines.

'It's tough watching people you know dying.' There was a sour taste in her mouth as her eyes slightly closed. She could barely even hear what the freckled-man was saying as she looked at him, gulping slightly as she stared at him. A sigh from her mouth, deep frown on her features.

"You...did...great...thank you...for trying... so hard for me..." Still choppy while he spoke out, sad smile on his face. "Looks like...this is as far...as I can go..."

Luffy looked down slightly, his eyes shaking as panic struck his face. "What are you talking about!? This isn't over, yet!" He whipped his head around. "Somebody please, please help him!"

Y/N only continued to watch, standing right next to Ivankov. A look of disappointment and despair on her face as she stared at the two. Feeling her throat close up momentarily, making it hard to breathe. "Don't just stand there! He's dying!" His voice was so sad. More she looked at him from a different angle she could see some of her friend's organs, mixed with his own blood. "It's no use...he burnt through my organs too..."

There was more sadness in the air. "I can feel it...I can feel like life slipping away..." It was sad to see Luffy in such disarray. Him pleading with everyone to help his brother.


Fighting raged on, but it seemed that time had stopped. "Please...take care of Y/N for me...please tell everyone else...what I'm about to say when I'm done...pops...my family...you...Y/N...thank you..." Tears rolled down his face once more as he didn't even have the energy to search for the e/c eyed girl in the crowd. "For loving me..."

And with that, Portgas D. Ace. The Son and friend of many. Was dead.

Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
All rights reserved

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