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He was enjoying this. The nervousness he causes me. Whether he truly wanted to kiss me or just make me flustered, I don't know. But I almost despise him for it.

This is the first time I haven't known what I was doing; how I was feeling. It's confusing.

And I hate him for it.


This is the first time Briar has ever been quiet. She's usually yelling at me, fighting me or complaining, but I've rendered her speechless by telling her I wanted to kiss her again.

Part of me lied just to annoy her and see her blush.

The other part of me... well maybe it did want to kiss her.

I would never tell her that, though. Never give her the satisfaction of knowing I want her. Even though I barely want to acknowledge it myself.

Was that really her first kiss? She was surprisingly good at it, it was almost hard to believe.

I glance in her direction. Her body glistens in sweat as she trains. She removed her clothes after waking up from her nightmare, leaving her in only her undergarments and boxers.

She was clearly not worried about me looking.

Maybe she was and didn't show it. But she was purely focused on training that she didn't even see me staring at her.

I hated to admit that she was beautiful in every way. Every curve was perfect, her eyes were stunning, her freckles made her even more beautiful.

I exhale and walk up behind her, standing so close I'm sure she can feel my body beat.

"You shouldn't overwork yourself like this. Your side doesn't need the strain."

"I can handle myself, stop telling me what to do." She keeps throwing punches in the air.

I lean into her ear and whisper, "Stop before I pin you again, love."

She shoves her hand in my face, middle finger sticking out.

There are so many things I want to do to her for doing that. Pin her again being one of them, but I know her side couldn't take that. And neither would her anger.

I sigh. "Fine. But I'm ready to leave if you are."

She breathes heavily, turning to me. She smiles and pats my chest. "Good boy." She pushes past me to put on her clothes.

Fuck, Briar. You can't just call me that and expect me not to want to pin you to the floor for a different reason.

God, what is she doing to me?

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