<3 Chaoter 22, BRIAR<3

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The next morning I wake up with a moan. It's not until I look down when I realize why.

Flynn has two of his fingers inside of me from behind. He's still spooning me like how we fell asleep last night.

"This is for teasing me last night." He whispers in my ear. I turn to look at him and flick his nose, but Flynn sinks his fingers deeper in me and stops me from turning, I let out another moan as he starts wiggling them inside of me, feeling my walls.

He pushes me by his hand, making me move back because if I didn't, his fingers would go even more inside of me. He pushes a little harder and I feel his rod from behind me. I can't even see it and I know it's huge.

"You feel that?" He asks, his breath warm against my ear. I moan in response. "You did that. And though I'm not going to give it to you yet, I'm warning you that you will have a punishment when I do. Got it?" He speaks seriously.

"Mhm." I can't form words in my mouth from the pleasure he's giving me.

"Use. Your. Words."

"Y-yes, F-Flynn." I stutter breathlessly.

"Good." He sits up on his elbow to give his arm more slack, and pushes his fingers inside me even more. Another moan escapes me when I feel myself getting close again.

He moves his fingers steadily, barely letting them leave my pussy.

My walls tighten and I'm about to let go when he pulls out again.


"N-no, Flynn please I was so close." I breathe.

He kisses my neck instead and says, "I want to watch you do it yourself." I feel him smile on my skin.

Hesitating, I stick my own fingers in me. They're not as big as his and they don't give me the pleasure he does, but I try my best.

I move them around inside me, squeezing my legs together to give myself momentum.

I feel Flynn's hand travel down my arm, he makes it to my hand and grabs it, guiding me. "Like this." He says, pushing my hand in and out, forwards and back.

He starts going faster, the next thing I know, he's gripping my hip instead of my hand and and moving me back and forth, my ass hitting the rod inside his pants over and over, making my hand move faster and faster.

I feel myself tighten and then a pool of warmth spills between my legs. I let out a soft moan and pull my fingers out of me.

"Good girl." Flynn says, grabbing my wrist. He brings my hand up to his mouth and begins sucking on my wet fingers.

I'm finally able to move my body so I'm laying flat on my back and he's hovering over me.

He takes my fingers out of his mouth and then brings his lips to mine. "Mm, you taste amazing." He mutters.


Once Flynn cleaned me and we finally managed to get up, I put my boxers and pants back on. I looked around for a while and finally found where he put my bra.

I take my shirt off, slid the straps on my shoulders and before I try to clip it in the back, I feel warm hands run up and down my arms.

He wraps his arms around my waist, rests his head in the crook of my neck and sucks on the skin there. "Allow me." He mumbles onto my skin.

He steps back and slowly clasps my bra, then starts kissing down the back of my neck.

I lean my head back in pleasure, then move it to the side so I can allow him more access to my neck. He takes his opportunity and once again kisses and sucks on the skin there.

"You know you- oh.." I sigh between my words when he wraps his arm to my abdomen and presses his hand there.

"I what?" He smiles onto my skin.

"You uh- you left a m-mark on my stomach from last n-night." I struggle to get the words out.

"Oh, love," he pulls his head away from my neck and looks at me from the side, "I left many marks. Physically and mentally. Didn't I?" He kisses my jaw, waiting for my response.

"Mhm." I mutter.

He uses his free hand and puts it on my throat from the other side of me and makes my head stretch back so I'm looking up. "Words, love. Use them."

"You m-make it very hard to use my w-words when- you do this." I say breathlessly.

"That's the point." He pulls me closer to him and kisses my neck endlessly.

Just as I think he's about to go further, he pulls away, taking his skillful hands and mouth with him.

"Let's go." He says. Is he really going to act like he didn't just do that to me? He made me fucking wet again, that fucker.

I sigh, deciding not to fight him, and pick up my bag and rifle.

He puts out the last of the embers burning in the fire and then does the same. He starts walking out and grabs my hand, leading me out behind him.


After maybe an hour or so of walking and thinking, I speak what's on my mind.

"What will we do when we get back to my tribe?"

"What do you mean, love?" He asks, looking straight ahead.

"I mean the fact that you're from the other side of the border. I don't know what my people would think or do if they saw you. Even if you were with me."

He looks up, pondering it for a moment. "I guess neither of us really thought about that, did we?" I shake my head. "Do you think they'd shoot?"

"No! I mean... well I don't know. I don't think so. They didn't when your people stopped us at the lobby."

"That's because my people were equipped. Your people outnumber me. Vastly outnumber me."

"Us." I glare, correcting him and he grins.

"Fine, us. So how do we stop your people from shooting us?"

"I don't fucking know. Maybe just stand behind me when we get there. We could say you were stranded or something. Your people kicked you out of Belholt. Does that work? Yeah, that works." I question myself and he just laughs.

"Sure. But if I get shot again, I'm blaming you." He hangs an arm around my shoulders as we keep walking.


"Look." Flynn whispers right beside my ear, pointing into the distance when we reach a high point and look down on everything. The sun has set and it's sitting just beyond the horizon now, it's getting darker out.

I look to where his long finger directs me and I see it. Way beyond us, there's a light. The light of a fire. I let out a small gasp of surprise. We were so close now.

"Another days hike and we'll be able to reach them. One more day" He smiles onto my ear.

"One more day." I repeat.

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