Chapter 37, BRIAR

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"Let me see." Flynn says in a gentle tone as he pries my hand away from my bleeding side.

I wince as my hand peels away from the wound; more blood leaks out of it as I do. Flynn takes a quick look, brows ruffling, and puts my hand back over it. "That bad, huh?" I ask, feeling light-headed.

"Keep pressure on it." He says, ignoring me and fetching one of our bags.

All the adrenaline is gone. I stumble on my feet as I try getting to the ground.

I just need to lay down

Just for a minute.

I get to my bruised knees, swaying as I attempt to keep upright.

I look down, watching the blood slowly flow out of the wounds on my chest. Maybe it's flowing out quickly and I'm just too dizzy to tell.

I look up to find Flynn rushing towards me.

Why is he spinning to the side?

His hand is rested on the side of my head, catching me as I slowly succumb to darkness.


I wake up, groaning at the flaming pain I have in every part of my body as I try sitting up.

"Careful, careful." Flynn whispers, gently taking hold of my shoulder and pushing it back down.

I look up, not realizing he had moved me to the bed and laid my head on his lap.

He softly strokes my cheek as he looks down at me. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"How long have I been out?" I ask, my throat raw and hoarse, I'm not even sure he heard me.

"Shh, try not to talk too much. Shorts answers only." He states. "Now, are you okay?" He repeats the question, his voice still gentle.

I roll my eyes. "It hurts to breathe." I reply. He nods his head in understanding and softly touches my throat. I wince at the contact.

"That hurt?" He asks in concern.

I close my eyes and nod my head.

"Okay." He responds, barely louder than a whisper.  "Okay."

I look down, seeing my own wounds stitched shut, the one on my side with a large bandage over it. I suddenly look up at him. "Please tell me you didn't just clean me up and neglect your own cuts." I furrow my brows at him.

He chuckles as he leans down and kisses my forehead. "After I did yours, yes."

"If you're lying I'll know." I say, pointing a finger at him.

He takes my finger and brings it to his lips, placing a small kiss on the tip. "I wouldn't lie to you." He stares intensely into my eyes and I struggle not to get on his lap and give myself to him then and there.

He rolls his eyes, seeming to see the mischief in my own. "Stop thinking about that and rest. And stop talking."

I scoff dramatically, instantly regretting it when my throat tightens. I ignore it."Well, at least kiss me first."

"It's truly amazing how desperate you are even when you lost so much blood and were unconscious for a day." He raises a brow at me.

"Just kiss me already." I demand.

He stares at me for a moment, seeming to debate saying something before he smiles, leans down and places a delicate kiss to my lips.

And strangely, then, it doesn't feel as if it's filled with lust, but of love.


Short chapter, I know, but that last sentence was too good to just ignore and go on with the book.

If y'all have any advice, comments or questions, please comment or message me, I'll take anything I can get and it just means everything that y'all are reading this.

Love y'all and thanks for reading <3

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