Chapter 44, FLYNN

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The moment Briar and I ran, only silence followed. The cracking of our footsteps, heavy breathing and the rain on our heads the only thing heard. I keep her close, but not so close as to make an easy target.

Suddenly, shots bolt past us a moment later. We both race to get out of firing distance, zigzagging as much as we can, careful not to let one of our grips slip on the others hand.

I take as much as a glance as I can behind us without tripping, but unable to spot any shooters.

It's then, I realize, that it's not gunfire being shot. The adrenaline and the instinct to keep Briar safe overtook my senses, ignoring the whiz of the arrows shooting past us and at our heels.

Not gunfire, arrows. Not bullets of steel, blades of steel.

I wasn't sure which I should be more afraid of as stinging pain lances through my shoulder.

I slow for a moment, Briar slowing with me and shouting something I can't hear over the rain, before I tug her into another sprint.

Please, God, don't let this kill us.

I've only just told her I love her. I can't lose that.

"SPLIT." Briar roars, her voice cutting through the heavy rain and my thoughts.

My brows furrow. Her hand loosens on mine, but I only grip her harder, hauling forward.

"Flynn!" She shouts.

"No!" I erupt, still bolting with her in tow.

"We have to!" She shouts, "it'll be harder for them to hit us."

"No!" I repeat, my voice strong yet so, so shaky.

"Flynn!" She tugs her hand away from mine but I don't let go.

I scrunch my face in thought, searching every rock we pass, hoping to find one big enough to use as cover, just for a minute.

There, just 30 yards from us is a boulder big enough to cover the both of us, like the one we used that day my people shot at us.

I point, looking at Briar to make sure she understands. She bites her lower lip, her face contemplative, but nods her head nonetheless and sprints even faster, even though I feel us both slowing, tiring.

Arrows continue to fire at us. I rattle my brain, trying to think of how they're staying so close to us, aiming almost clearly in the heavy rain.

We make it to our cover and I try to make it quick.

"I am not separating from you!" I scream over the rain and rumbling of thunder. "Not again!... Never again." The last word is nearly a whisper.

She places a wet hand on my equally wet cheek. "We have to, Flynn. If we split it'll be harder for them to hit us. They already hit you once, we can't risk it getting worse." Rain drips down her face, off of her hair.

"If we separate, we may very well not be able to find each other again. I am not— I am not losing you." My hands shake as I place them on her own round cheeks. "Please." My voice cracks.

"I cannot lose you, Flynn, you know that. You know that's the only reason I haven't said I lov— said those three words." She pauses, staring intensely into my eyes. "But if we split, if we split and live, we will find each other." Her once heavy breath finally slows.

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