Chapter 13, BRIAR

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"You're staring." I say to Flynn as I pull my pants on.

"I've already admitted that I wanted to kiss you, darling, why is staring so different?"

"Because staring is rude, darling." I mock, making him clench his jaw.

"We should leave. The sun is rising." He ignores my statement, making me laugh a little.

I pull my shirt over my head, finally getting out of my long sleeves, changing into a black tank top from one of the bags Flynn grabbed.

I tuck it into my pants and take the gun Flynn set down last night, putting it in my holster on my thigh. I never got to carry a gun when I wanted to, only when I was ordered to, even though I was a good shot, but I always had a holster on my leg just in case.

"Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?" Flynn notices me strapping the gun in.

"You already have a gun. I don't. I thought that was obvious."

"Yeah, no shit. I mean, what made you think I'd let you have that?" He says, taking a step closer.

I don't back down, instead I take an equal step. "Now that's not very nice. Besides, I thought you've learned by now that you can't make me do anything."

"I can't ask you because you won't do it. But trust me, love, I can make you." Another step.

We stare at each other a moment longer before he speaks.

"Show me."

"Sh- show you what?" I ask, puzzled.

He walks around me, brushing against my shoulder. He picks up an old, empty can and places it on a rock.

He walks up to me, right in front of my face, my chest presses against him and my breath hitches. "That's your target. Shoot it. If you hit the center, you can keep the gun, if not, hand it over. Sound fair?"

I hum and draw the gun with my right hand, motioning for him to get out of the way with my left. He obliges and steps aside.

I lift the gun and mark my target, firing three times before ceasing fire. I walk up to the can which fell to the ground on the third shot, lift it and show him the shots. Three, in a perfect vertical line. I bow dramatically just to irritate him, throwing the can aside.

Without allowing him to speak, I holster my gun once more. "Let's go, shall we?"

He's staring again. Fuck, why is he so handsome. His green eyes look brighter than normal, his dark hair a mess but somehow perfect.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Fuck, I hate him.

"Stop your staring and move. We can't waste a whole 'nother day, we've already fallen behind."

"Whatever you want, love." He responds, lifting one of the bags over his shoulder and picking up the other one.

He walks up to me, I feel his breath on my face, and hands me the second bag. "No time to waste, right?" He smirks, glancing at my lips before starting to walk.

I let out short breaths I didn't realize I was holding in. Clenching my fists around the bag, I fume and follow closely behind.


"How the hell do you even know you're going the right way?" I ask, breathless from the hiking we've been doing.

He just turns his head to look at me at laughs at how tired I am.

"You want the truth?"

"Will I get mad?"

"Everything makes you mad Bri." He remarks.

Did he just make a nickname for me?

I blush at the thought and give him a glare, pretending I'm only red because of his comment.

"See? Anyway... it's because we keep track of you guys. That's how we knew you were too close to the border. But I only know the direction they're going in, not where they're going."

"I'm sorry- tracking us? What the hell kind of technology do you have in that building?" I say, glancing back at the tower in the distance behind us.

He chuckles and stares at me for a moment when I turn back around.

To hide being flustered I give him a quick middle-fingered salute and start towards him. I grab his face and he doesn't try and pull from my grasp. "Focus, love."

I let go and pat his cheek. Continuing on, I hear his footsteps close behind.

"What did make you have such anger issues?" He asks. I can practically hear his smirk.

He was trying to get me angry again.

"I grew up living next to Kai, and people that didn't care that he pushed me, shoved me, raped me, fought me—"

"H- He raped you?" He interrupts with a deadly calm, stopping dead in his track.

I turn, shocked at the fact that I actually said that.

Did I really say that? Shit.

"We have to keep moving if we want to find them or at least somewhere to stay." I say, turning back around and ignoring his question, trying to change the subject.

"Briar." He rushes up behind me and pulls my arm, making me face him up close again.

"Don't ever ignore me like that again. Did. He. Rape. You." He demands an answer, thumb gently rubbing my arm.

"I didn't—"

"I'm not going to ask again, Briar."

I sigh. Trying to shrug him off but he holds on firmly.

His eyes hold a type of anger and sadness all at once, making them darker than normal.

"Yes, okay? It happened years ago and I already beat him up for it so can we just forget that I said anything and keep moving?" I tug my arm out of his grip and take a step away again. I couldn't be that close to him any longer.

"I'm going to kill him. I'm gonna fucking kill him." He rubs his hair in distress.

"Why are you getting so worked up about this?" I ask, barely louder than a whisper.

"Because I don't want anyone to touch you!" He shouts, throwing his arms in the air. His shout surprises me and makes me jump back.

"I don't want anyone to touch you except me." He sighs.

I open my mouth to speak but quickly close it again when I realize I don't know what to say.

"Do you know why?" I quickly shake my head and look to my feet. He walks to me and gently take my chin in his hand. "Because I can't stand the thought of him... touching you like that. Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you after that kiss. I haven't been able to focus. I only want to kiss you, and I want to be the only one allowed to. No one should ever touch you again. Only me. Because I want you, Briar. Even in this short amount of time I've known you, I only want you."



I felt like I did that way too fast but at the same time it took him way too long to admit that.


Just wait until chapter 40 hehehe

Love y'all and thanks for reading <3

Broken but not lostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora