Chapter 2

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May 2, 2016

Taylor returned to Josephine's side a moment later, her wallet contained a couple hundred dollars cash, and she directly pulled it out and handed it to the brunette who refused it again.

"I can't take your money," Jo said, her hand raised in objection, "Seriously, my mom won't even notice."

"Your mom isn't going to notice the giant brown stain running down the middle of her vintage gown?" The singer pressed, still holding it out with her left hand. She stared into Jo's eyes for a moment, noticing how she had slight divots in her cheeks where her smile laid dimples.

Jo nodded, "She uhm... she won't mind, it was an accident and I refuse to take your money."

"Is there something I can do for you? I mean it's not my dress ruined here, you know? You're so sweet but I feel terrible," Taylor said, nervously waiting for Josephine to answer. Maybe it would be something simple, an autograph even.

Jo shook her head, "I'm okay. It was just really cool to meet you, and now I have a story to tell my friends. My dad is gonna love this, he listens to your music when he works out."

"Can I sign something for him then? A napkin or if I can get some paper—"

"Taylor," Jo laughed hesitantly, "Stop. It's fine. Go dance with that guy again. Is- is that Tom Hiddleston? Holy crap... that's so cool."

"Right," Taylor hummed, thinking back to the good time she had been having so far with the older actor. Adam wouldn't be happy if he found out she had been dancing with some guy, but it was harmless and things hadn't been going well between them anyways. Flames were sure to rise any day now and burn that bridge.

Jo picked up her drink and took a long sip, watching as Taylor dismissed herself politely and returned to the tall man in a suit. She watched them dance, how his arms went around her body as they moved, and she laughed at something he said softly in her ear.

I so have to text Charlie about this. Shit, I should've got her an autograph!

At the end of the night, Taylor returned home to her penthouse and wiped away her makeup and combed her fingers through her short hair. She wasn't sure how she felt about the bleach, she liked it at first but as time went on she started to hate it, hoping it would grow out quickly so she could get rid of it.

It also didn't help that her boyfriend wasn't a fan of it, and that seemed to damage her self-esteem a little more each time he commented on it or she looked in the mirror and heard his voice in her mind telling her that she looked better before, and that she looked 'trashy' with the bleach.

The night settled, and Taylor climbed into bed alone with Olivia licking her paws at the end of the grey cushioned duvet. Her phone, always in a state of 'Do Not Disturb' as of late, displayed few messages. She replied to her mother, sent Karlie a thumbs up emoji in response to her question. She answered Tree's questioned about some interview she had gone to and decided that was enough for the night, opening Google to try and figure out who the poor woman she had spilled the drink on had been, and what she was doing at the Met Gala considering she had never heard of her before and generally it was difficult to get into such event.

'Josephine Collins'

No results.

'Jo Collins'

About 3 results (0.49 seconds)

There it was, only three results. She wasn't really... anything? There was a YouTube page, an Instagram account and a news article from Nevada about the singer's performance that drew in a large crowd on New Year's Eve at some casino.

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