Chapter 43

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Let's just pretend technology is more and yet still less capable than it is for this one <3

November 28th, 2017

Jo woke up to the warm feeling of Taylor's lips on her skin. The soft dancing of Taylor's mouth against Jo's neck left butterflies in the brunette's stomach. A quiet mewl escaped Jo's throat, raspy from the deep sleep she was in just seconds before.

"Morning," the older singer chimed, delicately gliding down to Josephine's chest before fluttering her newly awoken eyes towards the brunette.

Jo reached into her mouth and pulled her mouthguard out, popping it onto the small dish she left on the end table for moments just like this. Taylor's lips clumsily fell onto her's, regardless of the morning breath and incalculable movements.

"Jo! You better be up! You promised you would drive me to school today for the meeting with my teacher!" Charlie pounded on the door at the perfect moment, yelling loudly at the couple.

"Is it seven thirty yet?" Jo whispered to avoid Charlie hearing her, Taylor looked at the clock and shook her head, "Go away!"

"Yeah, yeah! Stop fucking when I'm home!"

"Shut up!" Jo laughed, giving Taylor a sympathetic look which accompanied a small peck. Taylor smiled weakly in response, taking a photograph in her mind of how her girlfriend's eyes sparkled in the sunlight coming through the windows.

"Happy Grammy nomination day," Taylor said before rolling off the younger girl's body. It was unlikely she would be nominated considering she didn't release an album during the last eligible cycle, but Jo was a big contender and she was supportive of her girlfriend.

"I'm not going to be nominated, Tay. That's a wild fantasy of mine, sometimes it involves you in that pink wig," Jo put her slippers on and picked up her mouthguard to go clean it.

"I can make that happen when you get a nomination," Taylor winked with a giggle, going into the bathroom before Jo could and shutting the door.

"Babe! Hey, wait! I need to take the child to school," Jo sighed, trying to turn the locked door that didn't budge.

"There's a bathroom down the hall," Taylor smugly replied through the door. Jo could hear her laughing as she walked out of the bedroom, through the living room and over to the bathroom by the entryway.

Taylor loved bothering Jo for no reason, especially early in the morning. That was true love.

A couple hours later, after a meeting with Charlie's English teacher and the time zones were accounted for, Jo and Taylor were both sitting by the phone, waiting for their respective publicists to call.

Funnily enough, both phones rang at almost the exact same time. They greeted the others on the line, both on speaker after warning they were each on the phone.

"Okay, okay, do Jo first," Taylor anxiously awaited her own news but decided she was going to be the bigger person right then.

"No! Taylor first, get the good news before the bad."

"There is no bad news," Tree said, having checked Jo's nominations too before she called.

Taylor and Jo looked at each other with a blank expression, quickly turning into surprise. Jo began, "Okay just... just one person tell us both."

Taylor had her laptop filming their reaction from the mantle because she was sure Jo would have at least one nomination and didn't want to miss the moment if she was on the phone too.

"Go ahead, Tree," Nicole gave the lead to the redhead, waiting patiently for her to begin.

"Starting with Taylor, you are nominated for two Grammy's! Better Man is nominated for Best Country Song and I Don't Want to Live Forever is nominated for Best Song Written for Visual Media, congratulations," the publicist said, her smile coming through the way she spoke, "That also means that Jo is nominated since you wrote that together."

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