Chapter 87

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I saw TWO medium golden dogs at work today I am so happy also sorry it's late btw I almost didn't have a chapter to post but Lou threatened to emotionally abuse me if I didn't update so here!!! (Mostly a joke don't threaten them i appreciated it mostly #taiaforever)

September 28th, 2020

"What if one single thread of gold tied me to you?"

Taylor didn't know what to say as she looked at her girlfriend down on one knee atop the roof of their former hideaway. She couldn't believe Jo, who was usually the one to shy away from marriage talk, was proposing.

"Are you serious?" Taylor had her hand covering her mouth, talking through it with a slight muffling distortion.

"I'm asking you to marry me," Jo began to get nervous due to Taylor's furrowed eyebrows and lack of response, "Taylor, will you marry me?"

"Are you sure?" Taylor stepped forward, standing in front of the brunette by the time the singer answered her question.

"Of course I am," Jo couldn't meet Taylor's blue eyes, petrified because she wasn't saying yes, "I- I thought..."

"Of course I'll marry you," Taylor said rather excitedly, cutting of Jo's concern.

Jo sighed with relief, unable to take the ring out of the box and slide it on to her fiancée's finger. Instead, she dropped to the ground and laid on her back, trying to catch her breath and stop panicking, "Could you not have said that just a little bit sooner?"

"Dude! I was a bit in shock!" Taylor giggled. She bent her knees and crouched down, "Baby, you just proposed and now you're dying on me? That's not fair."

"I'm sorry, I just like- I felt like I was going to faint so I needed to get on the ground," Jo inhaled deeply to return oxygen to her brain and sat up, "Let me see your finger, please."

"Happily," Taylor grinned, holding out her hand. Jo carefully took the ring from the velvet box and slid it on, admiring how it fit like it was always meant to be there.

Once the ring was on her finger, Taylor leaned forward and toppled Jo over, her lips on the younger woman's immediately. Jo started to laugh into the kiss, month and after months worth of tension leaving her body.

"Did you say yes?" Jo doubled checked Taylor's response, their faces so close the tips of their noses were touching.

"I did," Taylor whispered, a soft smile on her cheeks that matched how delicate her voice was.

"Okay, I need a couple days to recover."

"You're a dork," Taylor pecked Jo's lips again. She rolled off the brunette and onto her back, her left shoulder touching Jo's right as they laid side by side, "Wow- this... this ring is so beautiful."

"Do you like it?" Jo asked. She reached forward and turned the ring on Taylor's hand slightly, aligning the diamond centrepiece to the middle of her finger.

"It's absolutely perfect," Taylor glanced over at Jo. The brunette could tell she meant it, the glimmer in her eyes speaking volumes. She wanted to savour it, she really did but she wouldn't be able to until she made some confessions.

"I have to tell you every white lie I told you from the moment I decided to propose until now and also I'm sorry I am like- not celebrating, I just was no fucking nervous you were gonna say no and—"

"Baby," Taylor covered Jo's mouth quickly, ignoring the way Jo's eyebrows shot up as a warning, "Shut up and kiss me."

Jo cracked a smile when she leaned in, pausing a moment later once her brain returned, "I set up a whole bed thing so we could make out again."

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