Chapter 19

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January 26th, 2017

On a Thursday afternoon, Jo received a text message. It wasn't out of the ordinary, the same chime that went off when he sporadically replied to her last message, sometimes a week apart from the last.

Shawn, who had been seemingly welcoming Jo to the industry and boasting about how excited he was to hear her debut album, asked her out.

"Taylor," Jo walked out of their at home music studio, a few instruments and soundboards to help bring ideas together, and into the living room, "Shawn Mendes just asked me to get dinner with him sometime."

Taylor raised her eyebrows as she sipped her glass of water, "Shut the fuck up."

"I'm not even joking, look! I've just been being friendly and apparently too friendly because he just asked me out," Jo plopped down onto the sofa and cuddled in as she handed Taylor her phone, reading the messages on the screen.

"You're like really super gay, honey," Taylor chuckled as she saw Jo's uninterested responses. Jo had made it clear that even though she was trying to be polite to Taylor's friend, Shawn's lack of timeframe on responses and ominous intentions were driving her insane and she couldn't wait for the conversation to be over, numerous times.

"Well what do I say? Do I tell him I'm a lesbian? Just say no? We've never had to deal with this before," the brunette frowned, her nose stuffy from the seasonal cold she'd been coming down with.

"I would probably just say you're in a relationship," Taylor reached up and placed the back of her palm on Jo's forehead to check her temperature, "How's your head?"

"Still a little sore, I think I'm getting sick," Jo closed her eyes and heard her phone click off in Taylor's hands, set down next to them.

"Oh, baby," Taylor cooed, letting go of the younger girls forehead, "You'll be okay. Why don't you go lay down, you're done the album, anyways. You're just playing your mom's song, it'll still be there when you wake up."

"M'kay," Jo nodded and stood up slowly, "Will you come with me?"

"I have a Skype meeting this afternoon, remember? I'll be in as soon as I can, promise."

Taylor's meeting was still going strong when Jo padded into the living room once again, disregarded the laptop in her sleepy haze and laid down with her head on the blonde's lap. She had the grey blanket around her from their bed, her hair a mess and her mouthguard in.

"I am so sorry," Taylor panicked slightly and then took a deep breath, "My girlfriend is under the weather, and she sleep walks."

Jo was very much in the frame, face towards Taylor's abdomen and blanket pulled up around her shoulders almost right up to the bun in her hair. She was asleep again already, searching for the comfort the singer brought her.

"Your girlfriend? We knew you were open to the idea of seeing women, but you've never... are you planning on coming out? We have so much to plan if that's the case," her manager said quickly, one of the few people on the call.

"I've been thinking about it a lot," Taylor admitted. She had told only people who needed to know about their relationship, Tree, her parents knew of her. It was still very hush hush, not a secret, but not something out there for her team quite yet.

"This album cycle? Next? Are we going to talk about it or leave it for interpretation? We need to schedule another meeting about this."

"I'm not doing interviews, and I'd like to keep this relationship private. I don't know when or if people will find out, I'm okay with them knowing I have someone amazing in my life but I don't know if I'm ready for the comments on who it is," Taylor looked down at the younger girl, gently rubbing her back out of frame.

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