Chapter 13

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November 18th, 2016

Jo was perched with a cup of tea and a book on the mid morning of Friday, November the Eighteenth. It was raining outside the window she sat in front of, which was unusual for Nevada weather.

Things had blown over with Charlie once again, and Billy had many questions about the origin of their relationship, how long she had been deceiving them and such but had generally taken to it well. Jo was relieved, because she had come to know Taylor as her rock just as much as Taylor had.

Taylor was struggling so much with being 'cancelled', spending more and more time hidden away with her parents as time went on. Jo never intruded, the couple having decided that Taylor would introduce them to Jo when she was ready to. She'd only briefly mentioned seeing someone new to them, and she wasn't ready to jump all in because she was plagued by the fear that something would tear them apart.

The only problem with Jo's morning was that it was her twenty-sixth birthday and Taylor hadn't said a damn thing to her. No good morning, no call, no nothing. It was one o'clock in the afternoon Taylor's time, so it wasn't like she was still asleep.

She brought the green mug up to her lips and sipped slowly, setting it down to turn her page. Jo wasn't generally reactive, and so she didn't bother to say anything to Taylor about it. She was just staying calm, thinking there was most definitely a reason as to why the woman hadn't replied to a single message that day.

She got lost in her book for a few minutes. In such a busy neighbourhood on the base, she was used to the opening and closing of car doors, the sound of locks clicking, kids playing. Everything blurred away, until the doorbell rang.

Jo marked her page and slipped her phone into her back pocket. She'd done her hair and put on a grey knit blouse that fell loose on her hips, thinking maybe if Taylor called and she was dressed up, she'd remember.

Jo looked through the small hole in the door and gasped, unlocking it quicker than Meredith was known to run away when humans approached.

"Happy birthday," Taylor smiled, her hood covered her short blonde locks and she carried a gift bag and a bouquet of daisies since they were Jo's favourite. She had stickers of them plastered on the back of her laptop, so Taylor assumed.

"You remembered," Jo cooed in a high tone, surprised by the gesture. Taylor nodded and came inside, handing the two items to Josephine and slipping off her shoes. She had on a small backpack and nice jeans as well.

"Of course I remembered, I'm sorry I didn't text you or call you but I didn't want to ruin the surprise," the blonde leaned in for a quick kiss. When she pulled away she smiled and added, "Is anyone home?"

"No," Jo answered, "Me and a cup of tea."

"You look so beautiful," Taylor hummed, staring down Jo's outfit, "Are you ready to go?"

"Go? Where are we going?" She inquired, not knowing of any plans they'd made together.

"San Francisco, I booked us an overnight stay at this resort with a view of the water and everything."

"I'm supposed to have dinner with my Dad and Charlie tonight, though," Jo hesitated. She didn't want to cancel on them, but Taylor was her girlfriend and she'd gone to so much trouble.

"I took care of it, baby. He helped me plan this, made fake dinner plans with you. You guys are going to have dinner when you get back. Also in our texts he kept calling me sport, so there's that."

Jo laughed and covered her mouth, "No, he didn't."

"I have the messages to prove it! Now, go shove some stuff into a bag and hurry up. Our plane is leaving in an hour."

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