Part 1- 4

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It was a bright, beautiful day in Wakanda. But, this day turned out to be quite a sad, dark day. Cap was trying with all his might. He was trying to force back Thanos' hand. His arms were about to give out. That's when a bright purple light had appeared. Amongst the light stood a figure, he couldn't really make out who or what it was. The explosion caused Thanos to go flying to the side. When the explosion debris settled that's when a girl emerged from the smoke.

Y/N: "Hey Cap..." You began laughing as he was catching his breath.

Y/N: "Have you seen Steve Rogers around?" You laughed happy to see him.

Steve: "I am Steve Rogers..." 

You laughed shaking your head.

Y/N: "Still taking things way too seriously I see."

That's when you heard a familiar voice as you looked to your left.

Buck: Y/N?

You grinned softly as you felt the relief of seeing them alive, and healthy.

Y/N: "Hey boys...Long time no see, I see you have got some upgrades!"

Buck: "And you don't?" Bucky grinned. "After all, you just blew up Earth's biggest threat..."

While you were fighting, and catching up. Thanos made his rebound making his way towards Vision.  Wanda had destroyed the stone but, revived Vision, taking the stone. That's when Thor came swinging his axe landing it in his chest. 

Thanos: "You should've went for the head." That's when he snapped.

Y/N: "SHIT! NO NO!" After everything you went through to get back here, you failed...You failed yourself, you failed your friends, you failed everyone. You watched as people around you began to turn to dust. That's when you heard a worried voice.

Buck: "Steve..." You lunged at Bucky, and Steve grabbed you holding you back.

Y/N: "No! Buck!" You watched as he hit the ground waiting for the thud but, instead he floated away. We all took a minute to realize what just happened. That bright, sunshine filled day, was now covered with dark clouds of dust. From the loved ones of all over the universe. 

Steve took you back to a hotel, and you got cleaned up. It was hard  you were all tired, and hurting. Physically, and mentally. You didn't want to function. You can't believe you lost...If you would've got there sooner...Maybe...But, now isn't the time for guilt...Steve has questions. You walked out into the main room, brushing your wet hair sadly, until Steve broke the silence.

Steve: "How are you still alive?"

Y/N: "It's a long story...But, apparently I'm not human. I don't have complete control of my powers...And until I have what I came looking for there's no way I'll ever be stable." You sighed as you ran into his arms, holding back your tears. Just the relief of knowing he was alive...It overwhelmed you.

Y/N: "For over 70 years I thought you and..." You couldn't finish the sentence. So, made a new one. "I thought I was alone..." 

Steve immediately started apologizing. He broke the hug.

Steve: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of left...I was just tired of being helpless. I, I thought at least Buck would've came back..." You interrupted him.

Y/N: "Steve, you were dying. I was just being selfish. I was scared. I'd lose you both. I was convinced it wasn't good for either of you. But, apparently it did...and I'm glad I was wrong."

Steve then closed his hand around something making sure you couldn't see it. He placed it in your hand, it was cold to the touch. He then wrapped your hand shut. When you opened it, you saw dog tags in your hand.  You began to tear up as Steve smiled at you happily.

Steve: "He'd want you to have them." He shrugged. You looked up at him meeting his eyes...They felt like you were steps away from being home. He took them from your hand as he began to place them around your neck. You could feel his fingers brushing against your skin.

He went and leaned against a desk, he was obviously ready to get down to business. Steve: " So, what are you looking for?"

You leaned against the wall casually, your body language was cocky like you try to keep it.

Y/N: "Same as you...It's simple really...The Stones." Steve looked at you in shock. He didn't know what to make of it.

Steve: "What? Why?" He was now standing up straight in concern. He was obviously worried.

Y/N: " I don't really know how to explain it...It's like Me, myself is a shell casing for different people. Different personalities. I was split. Each personality is linked with a stone. Without the stones I won't be able to contain them now, and put them back where they're supposed to be."

Steve: " So, your powers are derived from the stones?"

Y/N: " No, the Stones power is derived from me. The personalities are the power sources. And I am the personalities. I've been looking for them for years, and by the time I got to where they were hidden, they were gone. That's what lead me here. Without the personalities I'm unstable, off balance as you can put it." That's when a girl walked into the room with red hair. You wished you could be as pretty.

Nat: "Hey Cap-" She stopped talking briefly realizing that she has interrupted. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.  My name is Natasha, you can call me Nat. I just wanted to say we got Thanos' location." Nat lead you to a base. When you arrived you saw a man that for whatever reason was wearing sunglasses, a shorter man that looked like he had a slight green tint to him. Another man was there, he was skinny and his legs seemed to be injured. A tall, big built man with blonde hair, and a girl who seemed to be made from a machine of some sort. (So, translation if you don't know! Tony, Bruce, Rhodey, Thor, and Nebula.)

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