Part 5- 7

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The tall, built man walked over to you in shock. But, he was obviously happy to see a familiar face.

Thor: "Lady Y/N? Is that you?"

You haven't seen each other in years, maybe even decades at this point. Steve was confused. As Thor carefully, and tenderly hugged you. But, he didn't want to let go. The hug broke as you blushed, Steve spoke.

Steve: "You know Thor?" 

Y/N: " I've been searching for the Stones Steve, and your surprised I met a God along the way?" You laughed winking at him. "Or are you just jealous Cap? Think you have competition?" You teased.

Bruce looked over from his computer in shock. Bruce: "You've been looking for the stones?" Before you could say anything Tony was speaking.

Tony: " Who the hell is 'You' anyway?" You could tell he was hurting, and annoyed with the whole situation. 

Y/N: "My name is Y/N, and I'm the only being alive able to use the stones without practically killing myself."

Tony: "How convenient that you show up now that we lost. Thanks." You could tell he was hurt...Something was bothering him, and he was taking it out on you...Guilt maybe?

Steve : " Tony, that's not fair. You don't know what she had to go through to get here..." Steve spoke up, trying to help me like he always used to. Just like old times.

Tony: "And you do?" His response was short, and quick. Thor stepped closer to Tony, very protective like.

Thor: "She's worthy. As well as a good being, and a good friend." You looked up from the ground taking a risk as this...You didn't know what else to do. For what ever reason something was just taking over you...You knew what you had to do.

Y/N: "I lost things too... And I'll kill whoever it takes if it means I'll have a chance..."

Tony: " Uh. No, you can leave. See ya later..." He turned around to focus on the electronics.

Steve: "Are you serious? We need all the help we can get." Tony looked at Steve in defeat.

Tony: "One good reason you should stay..." His eyes met mine. You shooed everyone from the room, so you could talk to Stark alone. "Well, let's hear it."

Y/N: "It started the night Buck was leaving for war..."

Flash back:

Y/N: "Steve please...Don't enlist again... I can't keep standing here hoping you're not going too get caught... I love you but, I won't be waiting this time."

Steve: "You think I'll make it this time don't you!?" He began to smile happily. It gave him an incentive to try again...

Y/N: "Steve are you even listening to me?" You looked at him in disbelief.

Steve: " I'll always be your lucky coin. Sometimes you have to just flip things around." I walked away as Buck came over trying to talk Steve out of it. Needless to say it didn't work... Buck walked over to me. Grinning big.

Buck: "Come on, come dancing with us. I'm sure there's a handsome fella somewhere that'd be worth the dance!" You shook your head sadly, in disappointment. You didn't have the words to explain. It was like it was in slow motion. He walked closer to you placing a friendly kiss on your forehead. He grabbed the girls he was with, as he walked away he looked back one more time. "I promise we'll watch your favorite movie when I get back!" 

You turned to face Steve, and watched as he walked into the room where he enlists. You asked him to stay...and he you're alone.

Back to the Present:

 After going through a long summed up story of your life, the look on Tony's face said it all.

Tony: "Why did you tell me?"

That's when you could feel a surge throughout your body. Your eyes were turning purple as you went into shock. You began to see something... It was like you were in a different place.

What you see:

Loki was sitting at a desk in what looked to be a shock collar, and jumpsuit for prisoners. You could hear the shock in his voice, and see it on his face.

Loki: "What? Infinity stones?" There was another man next to him. "How do you have these?..."

Man: "Oh, we actually get a lot of those. Yeah...Some of the guys use them as paperweights..." 

Back to Tony:

Tony: "Kid are you okay?" He yelled into the hall. "Thor! Steve! Get in here!" They came running in seeing you were different. 

Thor: "Lady Y/N are you alright?" You were glowing purpled fire, but, you werent there...All you could feel was darkness. You knew Pheobe, the last remaining personality had taken over...This is what you mean by unstable.

Phoebe: You'll die. He's alive, and I'll make sure he kills every last one of you!"

Steve: " Y/N this isn't you...Look at me..." Steve tried to get close. "You're better than this..." You were fighting to get free from Phoebe's hold on you.

Phoebe: " Well, good thing I'm not Y/N..." She grinned ever so slightly as the corner of her mouth twitched upward.

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