44- 46 + Bonus Scene

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Peter: "Can you try to say it again Y/N?" Your voice was raspy, and your throat sore.

Y/N: " Quit with all the yelling... You're giving me a headache."

Sam: " Maybe, they should've argued sooner." Sam laughed.

Y/N: " I'm cold..." You kept your eyes closed as you kept rolling your head left to right.

Buck: " You heard the lady. Get her a blanket." Buck felt relief come over him.

You weakly reached out for a hug, your eyes still closed.

Buck: " Peter she wants hugs. " He looked down at her trying not to laugh.

Steve: " She never takes anything seriously does she?" Steve let out  a short laugh.

Peter: "I could really use one..." He crawled into bed with you as you cuddled trying to steal all the warmth from him.


The next day Steve pulled Peter to the side. 

Steve: " Peter I need you to keep a secret alright?" 

 Peter: " Of course Mr. Rogers." He nodded.

Steve: " My suit ripped." He showed Peter the hole in the suit.

Peter: " How did you not die?" 

Steve: " Because someone wanted me there." 

Peter: " But, Y/N said only the Queen can decide to let you breathe the air..."

Steve: " Exactly."

Peter: " So, the Queen is alive? Did you see her?"

Steve: " Pete, there was no other life except for Lucas, and the sisters. None." 

Peter: " So...?" He looked slightly confused.

Steve: " She is the Queen. When Lucas killed everyone that made her the Queen. But, she doesn't know that. And we're gonna keep it that way."

( A couple of weeks later)

You 've done a lot of training with Sam and Peter. But, you managed to surprise everyone at the Tony's funeral.

Y/N: " Hey you guys..." Sam grinned on the other side of her making sure she could walk.

Sam: " She made it." 

Y/N: " Damn straight I did."  That's when you saw Pepper walk out with Happy and Morgan. She smiled at everyone as she nodded at you. She was obviously glad to see you were okay. She placed the wreath in the water as is floated away. You noticed Steve standing alone on the dock behind Happy and Rhodey. You hobbled over as he put his arm out to guide you. You placed your hand on his face as you guided it down towards you. You placed a kiss on his cheek, as he pulled you closer. You looked back to see Peter with his Aunt May. Followed by Thor, then Bruce.

You noticed how antsy Thor looked and held you arm out as Steve helped you stand taking the cane into his other hand. He was trying not to break down. Peter moved slightly letting Thor  get to you. He placed his arm around you steadying your other side. No one dared to break the silence. Little did you know that Buck was watching you the entire time. Sam placed his hand on his back noticing. Even Fury was there.

After the funeral you all sat inside to watch a video that was left behind from Tony. You watched the projection anxiously.

Tony: " Thought I better record a little greeting in the case of an untimely death. On my part. Not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're going to try to pull off tomorrow...It's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it.( He paused.) Then again...That's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to. (His projection walked over looking at everyone.) I guess, I just met a few people along the way...That just made me realize, there could be hope. No matter how bad things got. I still don't know this specific person told me what they did. But, I do know that some people deserve better lives then what they're given. I guess that's why I'm doing this. So...With that. I sign off... I love you 3000. " He let out one last smile as the projection turned off.

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