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Steve turned away in disgust, while Loki ran up to you, getting in your face.

Loki: " HE DID WHAT!?" Thor sparked in anger as he calmly spoke.

Thor: " I'll kill him myself." All Buck did was give you a death stare, he didn't really react. That's when you could tell a thought had come to him. 

Buck: " Wait...Where is the kid?" He looked at you concerned now.

(Flash Back)

Y/N:  "O-Oh...! You...Hahah...You like to laugh? How are you already so happy?" He skin soft, and laugh was contagious, and her bright blue eyes pierced your soul.

(Back to Now)

Y/N: " It feels weird...loving and missing something so much it hurts...just to know that you never wanted, and had so little tome with... The moment I looked in to her eyes I knew we had to run... But, it was too late. I had a C-Section. I couldn't move. Let alone take her away with me. He wanted a son...Not a daughter. I became weak, and Phoebe took control from there. She'd let me free sometimes. So, when I realized what he was using her for, brainwashing her even...Just for her powers, and loyalty...I took control, and I ran. To the only place I knew I'd be safe."

(Flash Back)

You were in Asgard with the help of your friends you were protected. While you were there you had lots of drinking contests with Thor. This one time, you both remembered the most. 

You were drunk, spinning in circles singing and dancing. You stubbed your toe, falling over. In rage, and pain you picked up the object handing it to Thor. 

Y/N: " FUCK ME! TAKE THIS THING BEFORE I DROP IT ON YOUR TOES AND SEE HOW IT FEELS!" Thor looked shocked, as it sobered you both right up.

Y/N: "Holy...shit... EVEN WASTED I'M WORTHY!" Not going to lie, that was a real confidence boost for you. He was beyond shocked, and at a loss for words.

Thor: "Alright...Congratulations...Let's not...speak of this..." 

Present Y/N: " I then went to see Loki in his cell. When Sober of course..."

Y/N: " Did you really do it? Did you kill all of those people Loki?" 

Loki: " Why are you back? You were so desperate to leave... I can't help you this time." 

Y/N: " I had no where to go...I was hoping to see you." You watched as he laid in his bed, throwing something in the air and catching it. 

Loki: " Well you did. Now, you can leave." 

Y/N: " Lok...I never got to thank you properly. "

Loki: " No need...After all, no one thanks a Monster." 

Y/N: " You're a lot of things...But, a monster isn't one of them. And I hope one day you'll see what you really are." He got up coming to the glass angerly. 

Loki: " What exactly is it you think I am? Enlighten me!?" 

Y/N: " I know you're a Frost Giant...But, that doesn't make you a monster. You're also the person that helped a total stranger when she asked. You're in there somewhere I know you are..." 

You walked up the right side of the staircase, and that was your last moment on Asgard.

(Keep the scene in mind when Loki directs the villains up the steps... :) )

(Back to Now)

Y/N: " Do you think I could talk to you guys one on one?" 

Steve: " Of course. I'll go first if it's alright...I have a lot to say."

You and Steve were talking in  his room. 

Y/N: " Steve...I beg of you don't feel like it was your fault. It wasn't..." While talking to Steve, Thor and Loki were talking.

Thor: " You lied brother."

Loki: " I've lied about many things... You'll have to be more specific." 

Thor: " Lady Y/N didn't know the Dark Elves, were after he and Jane. When there was a prison break, you sent that Elf to the left. You didn't do it to kill Mother...Did you?"

Loki: " Of course not..." He grinned. " I wanted Father dead."

Thor: " You're lying again! You wanted to protect her."

Loki: " You know what brother...If you had to choose..." Loki turned around annoyed.

Thor: " Choose between what brother?" He grinned knowing he was right.

Loki: " Between someone that lied to you your entire life, and someone that genuinely believed you were more than a monster who would you choose?"

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