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So, later that day Dr. Strange came over.

Strang: " So, why exactly am I doing this again?"

Buck: " Because we asked."

Strange: " Oh, because that makes all the difference."

Thor: " How about this? So, she doesn't destroy the entire world? After all, she is more dangerous than Thanos was." 

Y/N: " Especially while unstable." You walked out greeting the Wizard.

Strange: " Let's get one thing clear if anything dangerous tries to come from this portal you're all stranded. You bluntly looked at him

Y/N: " I wouldn't ask for anything more." We stepped through the portal into a dark, dead world. the trees black from soot.  The only sound that was heard as we made our way through the rubble, was the sound of us walking, and our breathing. As you found a clearing, Steve held your hand tight not wanting to let you wonder too far.

Thor: " Look. There is someone in the clearing. You couldn't see a face but, you knew exactly who it was. You could tell by the tall, skinny figure, and long hair. You starred in shock dropping your hand from Steve's. 

Y/N: " Oh. Shit..." You now know the real reason Phoebe wanted to come here.

Thor: " What's the matter Lady Y/N?" Thor walked closer, and on the cold world you could feel the body heat of your friends reaching you. You felt...Safe. Protected...That-That is all you needed.

Y/N: " I need you to stay here. I need you to focus on the sisters, and finding the stones." That's when you turned into Phoebe.. She took over.

Phoebe: " My Love!" You watched as Phoebe's point of view. She hugged him tight wrapping his arms around her. " I missed you so much! I've been trying to find you."

Lucas: " I just can't believe she took you from me..." He whispered in her ear. Phoebe kissed him passionately, as they were reunited. That's when a voice came from a small distance.

Serenity: " Phoebe?"

Phoebe: " Serenity!? Y-You're all truly here?" Steve put his shield on his back. 

Steve: " Phoebe... He assaulted Y/N and..." Steve was trying to talk her down. That's when a blue ball went shooting past him. 

Shylah: " Get away from my sister!" The sisters used time, and space to make Steve an old man. 

Steve: "P-Please...He k-killed her child."

Thor: " Why didn't you change me?" Thor was confused.

Shylah: "You're already old, and worthless anyway." She grinned playing with a green ball of light.

Steve: " I have news for you, I can do this..."

Serenity: " Yes...All day...We know." 

Thor: "I will ALWAYS be worthy!" Thor used his axe to summon his powers.

Steve: "Thor stop. They are part of Y/N. I won't hurt them."

Shylah: " How ironic."

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