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(Back with you and Cap)

Steve: " So, does Phoebe know what he did to you?"

Y/N: " Uhm...She knew I was pregnant, but I sent her into a black out."

Steve: " Why? She hates you for taking her away from him."

Y/N: " Steve...If you had the option to spare Buck the pain of dealing with whatever it was that made him lose that arm would you?"

Steve: " Of course I would. So, you wanted to spare her the pain of having to deal with that her whole life?" He smirked turning away. 

Y/N: " What?" You smiled slightly.

Steve: " You haven't really changed all that much have you? Worrying about everyone else." That's when his face went serious. "Listen, Buck and I talked...I need an honest answer from you.

Y/N: " What's the question Rogers?" 

Steve: " Are you in love with me?"

After the talk with Steve you made your way to see Thor.

Y/N: " Thor...What happened to you?"

Thor: " I don't know what you're talking about." He smiled as he removed his sunglasses. He was obviously hung over.

Y/N: " Thor, I'm not trying to be mean...But, I don't think anyone has had the nerve to tell you this...But, you look like an over fed homeless, man."

Thor: " Yes, I know! I'm fat and old, and a hero shouldn't look be like this!-" He started to rant letting his emotions pour out. You cut him off. You sat him down, and pulled his face towards yours. Until your gaze met. 

Y/N: " Thor...Stop it. You are beyond brave, and you never had a chance to really just sit back and mourn anyone...Quite frankly I don't give a damn about what anyone would ever say.... I want to see them have the weight of the world, and 9 more on their hands. See how they handle that. I promise you...You will always be worthy, and you will always be worth it..."

Thor: " Promise?" You laid your forehead on his, despite the grease ball he was.

Y/N: " I promise." 

Thor: " There is something you should know...The day you left Asgard a war broke out. Loki saved your life." 

You were now with Loki, he was standing by himself in a hallway.

Y/N: " I told you... You're not a monster. And I'd like to think that the fact you saved my life proves it." You shrugged being Cocky.

Loki: " He told you?" He was cautious to not show emotion.

You began laughing. Y/N: " It's Thor! Of course he told me! You're lucky I'm the only one he's told."

Loki: " I'm glad you still seem to think so...No one else does..." He swallowed hard clearing his throat.

Y/N: " They'll see it...Eventually." You placed a kiss on his cheek. He was now blushing.

Loki: " What was that for?"

Y/N: " Just so, you don't forget it." 

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