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You looked down to the ground trying to get the courage to say what should've been said centuries ago.

Buck: " What's wrong Charm?" 

Y/N: " I-I missed you, you know that right?"

He smiled turning back towards Sam and Steve.

Buck: " I missed you too. For the parts I could remember anyway." He looked back at you.

Y/N: " I-I was thinking, with Steve being gone now..."  He cut you off.

Buck: " You don't have to worry about that. I talked with Sam. You're going to stay with him. He'll take care of you." Your heart sunk, in confusion.

Y/N: " What do you mean? Why would I stay with Sam?"

Buck: " I've got some things to sort out. But you'll be better off there." 

Y/N: " W-What? No...I mean. I like Sam. But, we can figure whatever it is out together.!" You looked at him in disbelief knowing he wasn't going to change his mind. He began to back away slowly.

Buck: " No, you have to stay with him..." You began to raise your voice trying to hold back the tears.

Y/N: " I don't HAVE to stay with anyone!" Everyone began to look at you both. But, all you could notice was him. Standing in front of you. You didn't want that to change. "I didn't ask you the first time...But, now I'm asking you to stay!"

Buck: " No Charm..." He noticed you trying to wobble after him, and he began to back away faster. He was now walking away.

Y/N: " FINE! WALK AWAY! LEAVE! DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!" You began to shake as you tried to walk after him. You grew weak and you went to fall forwards. But, Pete used his webbing to pull you towards back towards him. You threw the Dog Tags at him, then laid yourself on the ground. Buck turned around feeling the tags hit his back. He picked them up, and continued walking.

Aunt May: "She can stay with us okay?" Aunt May looked at Peter as she saw how worried and hurt he was for you. You two had become close through your physical training.

(A while later, you were now able to walk. You and Pete were sitting in the livingroom watching tv.)

That's when a man walked out holding the shield dressed as a really fake character. You sat back on the couch.

Y/N: " Oh-My god..." You looked down into your cup. "I think I'm going to need something stronger than this coffee..."

Peter: " Y/N I'm so sorry... Are you gonna be mad at Sam?"

Y/N: " No way. It's not his fault that the Government went behind his back. He thought it was going into the museum. And I agreed that it was a good idea. It wasn't fair for Steve to just spring all that on Sam." You looked down your buzzing phone. "Speaking of the devil." 

Y/N: " Hello?" 

Sam: " Hey beautiful. How's things shaking?" 

Y/N: " Sam, you haven't even seen me. How do you know I'm beautiful?" 

Sam: " Who said I had to see you to know?" He laughed. "So, I've heard you've been training with the kid?

Y/N: " I have been. I can kick ass and take names now." 

Sam: " That's good. Cause I got a job I could really use the backup." 

A couple of weeks later:

Y/N: " So...Who's ass am I kicking?"

Sam: " I told you I didn't need to see you!" He laughed giving you a hug. "You even colored your hair."

Y/N: " I did! How sweet of you to notice! Thank you." You grinned proudly.

Sam: " Have you talked to Buck yet?" He turned serious.

Y/N: " No. And I won't."  You tried to not be annoyed.

Sam: " Why not?"

Y/N: " Steve wanted me to tell him that day. That I loved him Sam. That is a secret I've been hiding since the 1900s. But, obviously he doesn't care and never did." 

Sam: " You're joking right?" He laughed. " All he does is worry about you? Why do you think he wanted you to stay with me?"

Y/N: " NO Sam! If Buck gave the slightest shit about me, he wouldn't of left me lying on the ground helpless! If Buck cared he'd fucking be here!" That's when a sudden voice came from down the steps. 

Buck:  " You shouldn't of given up the shield." 

Sam: " Good to see you too Buck."

Y/N: "YOU FUCKING SET ME UP!" You were laughing out of anger.

Sam: "No! No-I didn't. He wasn't invited!" Sam turned back pointing at you.

Buck: " So what? You two are a thing now? What happened to baby Spider?" You rolled your eyes.

Y/N: " We're not together James...How much of that conversation did you hear?" You tried not to panic hoping he didn't hear you say you loved him.

Buck: " Wow? I'm James now?...Fine...All I heard was how shitty of a person I am. Are we good?" He kept looking down then back up at you with a straight face.

Sam: " See....He's here..." Sam smiled.

Y/N: " Yeah. To put in his two sense about the shield when it's none of his business. Well, I'll have you know it wasn't your decision to make."  He looked at you throwing his arms out in disappointment. He turned to Sam.

Buck: " You didn't have a right to give up that shield." He was trying to stay clam you could tell.

Sam: " Nice reunion, now see ya!"

Y/N: " James, you don't get yo disappear just to show up whenever the hell you feel like it. Just because you don't like how other people are living their lives." He turned back to you.

Buck: " Are you kidding me? You're on board with him!?" He was in your face.

Y/N: " I'm saying it's none of your business. Steve gave SAM that shield. NOT YOU. Now...I'm going to give you 3 seconds to get the FUCK out of my face."  Buck backed up a few steps.

Sam: " It's alright Y/N, let's get going. We have more important things to worry about."

Buck: "What could be bigger than this?" 

Sam: " The big three."

Buck: " What big three?" 

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