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You three were back on the plane, you were asleep while Sam Laid on the bench, Buck was sitting on a crate. Buck was starring off at the floor. 

Sam: " You alright?" He lightly nodded his head yes.

Buck: " Lets take the shield Sam. Let's take the shield and do this ourselves.

Sam: " We can't just run up on a man, beat him up, and take it." He sat up. " Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?"

Buck: " Maybe..." 

Sam: " I don't want to live the rest of my life La vida loca. We just got our ass handed to us by Supersoldiers. Now, we got nothing.

Buck: " Not entirely true..." Sam interrupted.

Sam:  "Plus, we have other people to think about here."

Buck: " Like who Sam? Who else do I have?" 

Sam: " How about your girl over there?" He paused as they both looked at you asleep. You were obviously having a nightmare. (Fun fact it was about Lucas) "Looks like she has some nightmares too." 

Buck: " Nice try Sam. But, she's not my girl. Never was..." 

So, Buck took us to Isaiah.

I: " I came out here to see if you came to kill me."

Buck: " I'm not a killer anymore..." 

I: "  You think you can just wake up one day and decide to be someone different? Life doesn't work like that..." He paused looking at me confused on who I was. "Well, maybe it does for you folks." 

Y/N: " Looks like you two have a lot in common James." You looked at Buck.

Sam: " Y/N...Don't..." 

Y/N: " Too caught up in your own problems to realize that everyone's life sucks ass. They all got issues. But, I think we all do have something in common. We're all victim of our circumstances and lost something that we can't get back...We don't have a right to walk away and come back like nothing happened. So, it's just an idea. Maybe...we're just a fucked up group of miserable people with special abilities. And MAYBE we should just team up, help each other out...By putting aside our differences, and help some innocent people. So maybe they can have a chance to have what normal life they have left."

I: "GET OUT!"  Outside Buck got in your face.

Buck : " Are you fucking serious right now?...You're just gonna take you your anger on that man cause of me?"

Sam: " Don't act innocent now Buck. WHY didn't you tell me?" He pushed Buck back from you. "Did Steve know?"

Buck: " Yeah Steve knew..." 

Y/N: " Some one had to get to the point. Obviously, neither of you were going to . So, be as mad at me as you want. I did what we came here to do.!"  That's when the Police drove up. You stood in between them.

Officer: " Hey, hey. Look is this guy bothering you?"

Buck: " No, he's not bothering me."

Y/N: " We're just talking..."

Officer: " Mam, if you're in danger..." 

Y/N: " If  I WAS in danger I'd kick both their asses." 

Buck " Do you know who this is?..." Buck pointed at Sam.

Another Officer whispered.

Officer: " Oh, god... I am so sorry, Mr. Wilson. I didn't recognize you without the goggles." You interrupted him.

Y/N: " Of course you didn't right?  And what's it matter? You treat every black man like this? I hope your damn camera is on so  it can see me ki-" Buck covered your mouth. That's when the other officer came over.

He arrested Buck for missing his Therapy. You leaned up against the fence. You whispered to Sam.

Y/N: " He's in therapy?..."

Buck: " We'll figure it out." As he ducked his head in the vehicle.

Y/N: " I gotta go talk to Isaiah..."

Sam: " You're insane if you think he's  gonna talk to you after what you just pulled."

Y/N: " I can't believe you doubt me Sam..." You grinned slightly, as you phased your way through the house.

I: " How the hell did you get into my house?" 

Y/N: " I'm not human...I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I was real short tempered with you. But, you should hear Sam out."

I: "I don't have to do nothing...!" 

Y/N: " You're right Isaiah...You don't have to do anything you don't want to..." You began to head for the door. You looked back. "Oh! By the way...You're wife...She was beautiful." You smiled getting ready to leave. " I know my daughter would've  agreed..." 

I: "How do you know my girl!?" 

Y/N: " I don't." You laughed.

I: "Woman...What are you?" 

Y/N: " Just someone who missed out on a whole lot... Just like you did...And she doesn't want the same to happen to other people...And no. James isn't a killer anymore. And neither am I. I won't pretend I know how you feel, and what you went through... But, only if you don't pretend like there isn't bigger things in this world than what you went through. Because, what James went through, Steve, Sam...It's not irrelevant. Neither is what I went through..." You handed him a picture of  your baby. The only one you have.

You walked out and Sam met up with you.

Sam: "So? Did you get your ass whooped?" You laughed.

Y/N: " Something like that...Let's go find James." 

Sam: " Thought, you'd be happy he's gone."

Y/N: " Did I ever say that?" I looked at him annoyed.

Sam: " You're one confusing woman... You know that?" He looked you up and down.

Y/N: " Maybe, men are just simple minded?" You teased.

At the jail the therapist met us.

Christina: "It wasn't me that bailed him out Sam..."  She said shaking his hand. He looked at you.

Sam: " With what money?"

Y/N: " I might have full access to Luca's funds...From when when he tragically passed."  That's when Mr. Ken Doll wanna be....showed.

J: " Hey guys, thanks to me, he no longer has to have therapy!" He stood next to you putting his hand on your shoulder giving it a little squeeze. Your eyes began to turn a golden color. " Woah...you okay..." Buck was out the doors, and began to walk towards John. Sam was next to Sam.

Sam: " Buck. Stop. She can handle him herself."  That's when you took his arm twisting it. You put him on your back, and through him across the room.


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