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Buck: "Now, the real question is...Who's going to carry her to a bed? And who's gonna give up their bed?" He shrugged looking between Sam and Steve.

Sam: " I'll give her mine. You guys go check on the suits."  Sam laughed picking you up, carrying you to his bed. He laid you down trying not to wake you up. You're a light sleeper, so you began to stir. You reached for his hand stopping him from leaving.

Y/N: " Sam... Seriously...Thank you for looking after them..."

Sam: " Someone had to. They're always getting themselves into trouble." He grinned pulling a chair next to the bed.

Y/N: " Somethings don't ever change..." You laughed half asleep. "Can you ask some people not to come..."

Sam: " To Utopinheim why?" 

Y/N: "Pete is so young...He deserves to not have a fight for once. And as much as I don't want Steve and Buck to go. I need them too..."

Sam: " You want me to stay behind?" He looked up from the chair.

Y/N: "Yes please..." You let out a small grin.

Sam: "Will do. Now, get some sleep." Sam left shutting the lights out. He met in the lab with the others.

Bruce: " What do you mean she doesn't want me to go?" 

Sam: " To be honest Bruce, she doesn't want any of us to go." 

Buck: "She never did like asking for help."

Thor: " It's best we take a few as possible. She's right. After all, it might be seen as a threat."

Pete: " To what? There's no life..." 

Steve: " She did say the sisters were there."

Loki: " I think when she wakes it's best she learn us about each sister."

Buck: " I agree." 

The next morning came around, and it was a bright happy looking day. You hoped in the shower, and Steve had left a note on the counter, next to a cup of coffee for you.

The Note: " Here, I know you want to be  a morning person but, can't be without the coffee. Meet in the main room please. -Rogers."

Your hair was up in a messy bun, and some of your eyeliner was smeared from sleeping with it on.

Steve: " Good you're up."

Y/N: " Yes, feeling much better.  I can't remember the last time I've slept that good. Steve, thank you for the coffee, and Sam. Thank you for the bed." You smiled blowing on the coffee as you watched the steam dance on top of the cup.

Steve: " Y/N we need you to tell us about the sisters." 

Y/N: "Sure. What did you want to know?"

Thor: " We need to know what to expect." Thor smiled as he patted the chair that he was standing next to. You sat down putting the coffee on the counter.

Y/N: " There is Riley...She is the reality stone.. She's very hard to reason with, especially when it comes down to hope. She sees hope as having her head in the clouds kind of deal."

Sam: " So, she's the serious side of you we don't see too often?" Sam laughed.

Y/N: " Not so much serious...But, more of a grounded, responsible person. She can use her powers to change what your seeing. Change your reality, and use it to manipulate you."

Thor: " So, don't let her in your head got it."

Y/N: " Now, let her in. Use that against her, throw her off. Next, is Serenity. She's a girl that likes to follow her heart. If you find her will to do good, and do the right thing she'll give. Getting close to her will be the hardest thing to do. She will try to bend your soul to her will." 

Buck: " So, Steve just has to give her one of his speeches?" Buck teased.

Y/N: " Not exactly. But, it will help." You shook your head laughing slightly. "Anyway, next is Shylah. She's the space stone. She ALWAYS has her head in the clouds. She has the ability to change time its self. Depending on the rules she has to follow. But, when I say time itself, I mean the time of day. She can easily change where we're at on the timeline."

Thor: " That's cool." Thor shrugged.

YN: " Teresa uses time, to speed or slow things down. She can also age us. Older, or younger. She's highly impatient. Words won't persuade her." You looked at Cap. " Only actions will. Then, there is Mina. She will not hesitate to get to your deepest thoughts. She's brilliant and won't be scared to turn you against each other. Then, of course you've all met the short fuse." 

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