80-83 + Bonus Scene

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You were now exhausted and dialed Quill's number. Thor answered the phone clueless.

Thor: " Hello? Is this thing on?" You could hear his smile through the phone.

Y/N: " Th-Thor..." You could barley speak at this point.

Thor: "My Queen! It's good to hear from you!" He was yelling in the phone. You weakly laughed. ' If I didn't know better I'd say that this tiny box made you sound like you're dying!"

Y/N: " Thor..." Is all you were able to get you out. Then you croaked a "Thank you." 

Thor's attitude changed right away. Thor: " Where are you!?"  You could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke softer now. That's when Bucky cut in.

Buck: "We're on Riga. I need you to fly her to a hospital in the U.S." He insisted.

Thor: " I'm on my way Metal man...You'll pay if she dies!"  Within Minutes you felt the ground shake as Buck held you tighter. The debris in your face, as it cleared you saw Thor. He stood up straight, and walked towards you. 

Thor: " W-What happened? Why are you here." He growled looking Buck up and down.

Sam: " Thor, we were on a mission."

Thor: " Bullshit! She did this to herself didn't she! Get away from her!" Buck moved as he saw how angry Thor was.  He picked you up as you held the rod into place with one hand. You laughed weakly as you smiled up at Thor.

Y/N: " Why so serious? Shit happens..." You rolled your eyes.

(At the Hospital.) You were lying unconscious. 

Thor: " She trusted you to protect her..."  He looked at Sam. They had caught up about the mission.

Sam: " You think I don't know that? You think I don't hate the fact I wasn't there? I didn't see you there." 

Thor: " I'm not the one that invited her for a mission. If she was home she would have been safe with the child!" He was referring to Peter.

Buck: " I should've stayed with her." He was far from your bed as he could be. He starred off into the room. He was quiet and calm.

Pete: " She'll wake up won't she Mr. Bucky?" Pete had tear in his eyes. Buck stayed silent, not answering him.

Sam: " Buck, we didn't know he'd be that strong..."  That's when Buck burst out into a yelling fit.

Buck: " No! From the beginning. If I wouldn't of drafted myself and stayed with her. I wouldn't of let her be with him. And Yes! She would've listened to me.  Because, that's what she always did. She wouldn't have lost me. She wouldn't have trusted him, she wouldn't have been split into 7 different people, and she wouldn't of been raped.!  If none of that happened then she wouldn't have watched her daughter die, and she wouldn't have went on a killing spree. And if she didn't go on that spree then, she wouldn't of gotten locked up. Then...maybe...Just maybe we would've been on good terms. Yeah, maybe I should've said it! But, I didn't! And now here we are..." He was throwing stuff. 

Thor came over pinning him against the wall by the collar of his shirt. 

Thor: " Should've said what?"  That's when Loki walked through the door.

Loki: " So, loud in here. Am I missing the party?" That's when they looked over. "Oh, and he regrets not telling her he loves her. Correct Barnes?" Loki winked. Thor let go of Buck. he was still pissed.

Loki turned to Sam. Loki: " I got your message. I found it Sam." 

Sam: " Are you sure it's the right one?" Loki moved to the side, and let a little girl walk into the room.

Loki: " See for yourself."  They all stood confused as an 11 year old girl held onto Loki's jacket.

Buck: " What the hell is going on?"

Loki: " Meet Jesslyn Rae." He kneeled to her height as she hugged him nervously. He whispered into her ear. " Go ahead Princess. Show them what we talked about..."

She walked over to you, as Sam moved out of the way. She hovered one hand over your lower stomach, and the other over your lower back. A glowing light began to show in her eyes, and hands as she sang quietly.

Jess: " Flower...gleam...and glow, let your power...shine... make the clock reverse...bring back what once was mine..." Pete whispered to Loki.

Peter: " I know this song..."  Loki smiled proudly at the little girl. 

A few days went by since the healing. Because she was only 11 she could only partially heal you. Her powers not at full compacity. You looked over at Bucky, as he was on a stool next to you.

Y/N: " B-Buck? Could you lay with me?"  He climbed in the bed with you. His metal arm supported your head.  He didn't hold you too much, he was afraid he'd hurt you.

Buck: " Why'd you lie about Jesslyn?" 

You try to play it cool as you began to panick.

Y/N: "Wh-What do you mean?" 

Thor: " She lives lady Y/N..." Thor said walking towards the edge of the bed.

Y/N: " N-No...She's not?" You tried to play dumb. You were crying.

Buck: " Charm, we'll figure it out alright?"

Y/N: " No! I can't even take care of myself. I've been living with a 19 year old!"

Buck: " Fine, if you won't do anything about it. I'll figure it out for you." 

Y/N: "No. Buck, I won't ask that of you. Not any of you!" 

Buck: " You're not asking and neither am I."  He basically laughed in your face.

Y/N: " I will not let you take care of my daughter!" You growled. " I mean, what would we do anyway? Live with Sam? There's no room." 

Sam: " If that's how it has to be...We'll make room." Sam added.

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