Part 11- 13

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Nat: "You have sisters?" She looked at Phoebe in shock.  "Do you know where they are?"

Phoebe almost laughed in Nat's face.  Phoebe: "No, and even if I did I wouldn't tell any of you."

She wasn't paying attention and was a little startled when Steve began to speak. He looked her in the eyes as she began to furious.

Steve: "Then, who would you tell?" That's when Pheobe began yelling, and getting in Steve's face.

Phoebe: "If you must know the only person I trust with anything is the love of my life! Which, Y/N took me from!" She paused for a second backing away. "So, if you'd excuse me...I'd like to go find him! Because, unlike YOU Steve Rogers, Captain America... He doesn't leave us standing alone in the street, pouring down rain!"

Nat: "What makes you think he survived the snap?" 

Phoebe: " I made sure nothing could kill him, and I'll keep it that way!" She disappeared into a cloud of smoke.  For the next to years, she had been looking for clues to find her Love. She was also taking out her anger, and loneliness out on what was left of the world. After the snap anyway. Eventually, she had been caught, and sitting in prison for another three years.

Phoebe sat in her cell as she calmly watched to see someone fall through a portal into her cell with her. Because, Phoebe is so strong she is still capable of using a little of her powers. On the ground laid a man with long black hair. He looked up in shock as he brushed himself off.

Loki: "W-How?"

Phoebe sat there twirling fire in her hand not looking at him Phoebe: "I used my magic obviously. Before I got thrown in anyway. Time works differently here than there. I've been in here for about three years now."

Loki: "Why save me? You look like someone I know. But, you are not her. I don't even known you."

Phoebe: "Y/N, wouldn't shut up until I did. So, we made a deal. I get to run the show, and she stays quiet. As long as you were brought back."

Loki: "Wait...You're not her... You can't be."

Phoebe: " What gave it away? The purples flames, or the fact that she believes you and your idiotic brother care for her?"

Loki: "Why are you sitting in here?" She let out a little chuckle through her nose.

Phoebe: "Well, apparently killing a million people in one week is frowned upon. Especially, after the blip." Loki stood in silence and in shock. All he could see was you standing there, and it hurt him to believe you could've done such a thing.  He gulped trying to get the words out.

Loki: " Why am I here then? Truly?"

Phoebe: " You know how I can get to the 10th realm." 

Loki: "What if I do?" Little did Phoebe know he was digging in her head.

Phoebe: "5 years ago Thanos said he used the stones to destroy themselves. But, they can't be destroyed unless the source of power is destroyed as well. So, if my theory is correct...They should be regrown by now."

Loki: " Even if it's been cleaned of all life by your so called 'Man' you claim to love?" 

A small surge went through the room as Phoebe stood up, (Shorter MUCH shorter than Loki) getting in his face. Phoebe: "Watch yourself. I have enough power left to kill you for real.!" She then backed off slightly. "But, yes. Along with my sisters."

Loki: "There are a million of those stones. You must know that by now. Why not use those ones?"

Phoebe: " Oh! You misunderstand. I don't want the stones... I want my sisters, and I'm telling you know you have 5 minutes until this roof falls in. So...Decide, or die here. It's up to you."

By the time they were able to free themselves from the cell, the war was over, and the ceiling was breaking down. Phoebe and Loki helped each other from the rubble.

Loki: " How did you know that was happening?" 

Phoebe: " My powers linked with the power stone. I could see what it saw.  Since they're not from this timeline, I can't use them. Other than to see they're useless to me. Phoebe grabbed Loki dropping him into a clearing. She flew down slamming Thor into a pile of rocks, on the ground. She had him pinned. Loki watched confused from a distance. Power was surging around her as she stood over Thor.

Phoebe: " Now? Who locked me up?"

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