54-56 + Bonus Scene

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Buck: "Well, I'm coming with you."

Sam: " No. You're not." 

You began to walk away slinging your jacket over your shoulder.

Y/N: " I agree with Sam. See ya never." 

A while later on the plane. You noticed Sam and Buck starring at each other. You could not believe they were going to sit here and act like children.

Y/N: " If you two don't stop starring, I'm serious when I say that I will stab you both in the eyes." With your threat Sam stood up, as he went to get all of his radios. He came back handing me a set as Buck sat next to me.

Buck: "So, you both have no plan am I right?" He looked at Sam and back at me. You stood up walking over to the door with Sam when it was about time to jump. Buck stopped you from following Sam out of the plane.

Buck" " Y/n we need chutes." 

Soldier: "We're too close to the ground for chutes." 

Y/N: " That and I don't need shit." You used your powers to form a set of wings made from fire. Then you jumped as you nearly blinded Buck. That's when you watched Buck jump from the plane trying to be a bad ass. He landed straight on his back. You began to laugh hysterically.

Y/N: " OMG REDWING! Get a closer look from here!"

Sam: " You know I have all of that on Camera right?" Redwing hovered over Buck.

Buck: " Get out of my face, Sam...Or I'll break it." When we made our way into the building, the two of them were bickering.

Y/N: " Guess, a girl has got to do everything around here..." You cracked your neck, making your way under the truck without being seen. You were going to figure out where it was heading. But, of course, the boys had other plans...

Sam: " W-wait. Where'd Y/N go?" They began to look around as they noticed someone in the back of the truck thinking you were being held hostage now.

Buck: " Who cares? Not me remember?"

Sam: " Would you quit thinking about yourself for two seconds!?"

That's when Buck made his way inside the truck. He found another girl.

Buck: " Sam, I found the hostage...But, it's not Y/N."  He tried to be nice, but turns out it was a bad guy in stead. He got kicked into the vehicle behind him grabbing on.

Buck: " I still can't find Y/N! Shit!" While on top of the truck you knew they were getting their asses kicked. You climbed from under the truck. When on the top you saw Buck being held by two people a third beating the shit out of him. You used your powers to help fighting others that snuck up behind you.

That's when Walker showed up, causing us to lose track of the little leverage we had. You saw Buck was falling off the truck. His arm scrapping across the ground. You were standing on Sam's back as you jumped off, grabbing Buck with one arm, and Sam with the other as you barrel rolled down a hill off the road. Basically, saving his ass. You landed on top of him as you tried to catch your breath. You had scrapped your cheek of of a part of the truck. You were looking at your wound.

Buck: " Y/N...get off of me." You got up looking at him in disbelief.

Y/N: " Screw you, save your own ass next time." You began to walk off as Sam stopped you.

Sam: " Are you okay?" He grabbed your chin turning your head looking at your cheek.

Y/N: " Yeah...I'm fine. Just feels like really bad rug burn." You laughed.

Sam: " In that case..." He began to yell. "What the hell were you thinking!? Where did you go!?"

Y/N: " While you two were standing there fighting, I figured I'd hitch a ride and get some answers. But, looks like you two just wanted to kick some ass. And news FLASH, we got OUR asses kicked by Supersoldiers." 

Sam: " I'm sorry. It would've been a good plan..." 

Y/N: " Damn straight it would've been....But, don't worry about it. It's over now."

Buck: " You gonna stand there all day and be all lovey dovey? Or are we gonna go figure something out?" That's when your phone started ringing.

You began walking waving them along.

Y/N: " Hello?" 

Peter: " HEY! How's the mission going?" The boys walked ahead of you.

Buck : " Who's she talking to?" 

Sam: " Peter probably. Him and I are the only ones she talks to." 

Buck: " I'm sorry about Redwing."

Sam: " You're not sorry about Redwing...What's going on in that cyborg brain of yours?"

That's when you heard an engine coming up behind you.

Y/N: " Pete. I gotta go."

Peter: " Call later?" 

Y/N: " Of course!" You stopped getting their attention. "Boys, we have company."

After a lot of coaxing we hopped in the Jeep. Buck kept starring, while you were sitting next to Sam. This starring you were okay with because it made him comfortable. After getting introduced to Lemar, John turned to you.

J: " Do I know you?"

Y/N: " No...And I'd like to keep it that way. If you don't mind." 

J: " Seriously?..." He sounded disappointed. " I'm just trying to be nice here. I'm trying to be the best Captain America I can be..." John forcefully grabbed your hand bringing his lips to it. Your other hand was pushing so hard on the seat it slid accidentally grazing Buck's. As soon as your hands touched Buck shouted to the driver.

Buck: " STOP THE CAR!" 

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