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You used your powers to tap into their heads to hear them more. You got a glimpse of Buck in Wakanda, as he was talking to the woman. He still had his long hair, and he had a full beard. His eyes were red, filled with tears. Your heart broke seeing him like that. Even thought he was finally free from Hydra. You dropped to the ground landing on your knees as tears silently began to fall. You just wished you could help him...But, you can't. It was killing you. 

(A few minutes later)

Buck came walking in taking off his jacket. Buck" The Wakandians are here. They want Zemo. But, I bought us some time."

Sam: " Were you followed?" 

Buck: "No. How's her shoulder?"

Z: " Healed enough she can function. She used some of her abilities to heal and hide the wound."

Buck: " She fell asleep pretty fast considering she was just spying on me." 

Z: " She was worried." Zemo shrugged as Buck sat on the couch next to you.

That's when they started arguing again.

Z: " It lead to the Nazis, and the Avengers." 

Sam: "Those are our friends you're talking about." 

Buck: "The Avengers...Not the Nazis..."  When you woke, they had a plan. Sorta. You went with Sam and searched what looked to be a school. Trying to get anyone to talk to you. But, the people just kept running away. Only one man spoke to you, and he straight up said he couldn't trust us. As Sam looked around trying what to do next, you noticed you could see Buck, and Zemo from the window. Sam noticed as you were now watching Zemo with the kids. You were lost in thought. Sam walked up next to you and began to watch as well.

Sam: "You alright?"

Y/N: "Yeah..." 

Sam: "It's killing you seeing these kids like this isn't it?"

Y/N: " God Sam...I'm such a shitty person..." He hugged you as you buried your face in his shoulder.

Sam: " No...You're not. You're just a Mother without her Daughter."

Zemo was with holding information later, and Buck got mad. He ripped the drink from Zemo and smashed it against the wall. Zemo was scared I think. You got between the both of them and placed your hands on the side of Buck's face. He was still looking at Zemo.

Y/N: "James...Look at me." He didn't right away so you said it louder. " LOOK AT ME!"  He looked down at you. " It's okay. I can read minds remember? We don't need him..." That's when Okoye and a few of her girls came for Zemo. Captain wanna be showed up too. You were fighting Lamar when you noticed Okoye had just taken off Buck's arm. You slid in front of him as you jumped up you grabbed the staff with your left hand. The right arm you had been shot in is now reinjured from fighting Lamar. You pulled her close and kicked her from her staff. You then threw it pinning her to the wall.

Y/N: " Next time...There won't be a next time." You growled. After the fight, Zemo had fled....You picked up Buck's arm. Y/N: " Need a hand?" Sam laughed as he came over.

Sam: " Did you know they could do that?" 

Buck: "No..."  

Y/N: " Now ya do!" 

Buck: " You're enjoying this too much." He frowned.

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