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You kept panicking and didn't know what you were going to do at this point. Buck was now sitting up in the bed.

Y/N: " What am I going to do? I did what I had to do to keep her alive...okay? Now, she's going to hate me for the rest of her life."  Buck got into your face yelling at you.

Buck: " HEY! WE will figure this out! Me and you, we'll always figure it out. First, you have to get better." With that you felt your heart melt. THERE was your Bucky you know, and always loved. You knew he was still in there...

Y/N: " Forever?" Thor helped you sit up. Buck rolled his eyes laughing.

Buck: "And Always." You put your arms around his neck as you looked at him for a moment. You could tell he was confused, as you gave him a gentle kiss...After all of that. He's willing to raise, and provide for your child...Just because she's yours. He pulled back in shock.

Buck: "What about Steve?" He obviously felt bad. You laughed at him shaking your head. You place your hand on the side of his cheek as you felt the stubble from his short beard. 

Y/N: " Let me show you something..." You both began to watch the memories you were playing in your heads.

The first one was when you first met one another. Steve introduced you.

Steve: "Y/N! Meet Buck, This is my best friend." He grinned as you looked greeted Bucky. You didn't take your eyes off of him, and you were mesmerized by first glance.

Y/N: " Well...Looks like Steve Rogers brought me a Lucky Rabbits foot."  Bucky looked at you confused and a little grossed out even.

Buck: "Well, that's gross." Later on Steve pulled you to the side.

Steve: " Why a Rabbits foot?" He looked concerned.

Y/N: " Between you and I? He's clipped to my hip forever. Even if he doesn't like it." 

You weren't a 'proper' girl for the 1900's. So, you got bullied a lot, and a lot of people tried to change you. You had a conversation with the boys about how, for once you'd love to show up, and show out. Let them eat dirt. Well, a few weeks went by, and there was a school dance coming up. The boys surprised you. It was wrapped in blue paper.

Y/N: " Oh my gosh...You guys didn't have to do this...I mean... You shouldn't have..." You began laughing as you held the blue dress up to you. It had stars all over it.

Buck: " It was all Steve's idea. He knew all the guys were in school were giving you a hard time for you not being lady like. So, we figured one night you could show them what they're missing." That night, when Steve met you at the dance Buck was with some other girl.

Steve: " You know it was Buck that bought that right?... He worked 3 jobs this week to afford it for you. I don't know why he gave me the credit." 

Y/N: "I love him Steve...So much. If I ever lose him, I'll end it I swear..." You blushed watching him dance with a bunch of other girls.

That's when that last night you saw him for the next 70 years.

Buck: " Come on doll. I'll find you a handsome fellow to dance with!" You watched as he stood there with that girl. You shook your head no...You couldn't help but think to yourself 'You're the only one I want to dance with...and you're leaving...'

When you both snapped out of  the flashbacks, he looked at you still confused not buying it.

Buck: "You were always flirting with Steve. I thought you loved him..." 

Y/N: " Buck. I flirted with him because it was funny! Do you remember how angry, and embarrassed he'd get all the time? It was just all fun and games. 

Buck couldn't help but smile slightly. Buck: " So you were scared to flirt with me? Why?"

Y/N: " Because...It would've meant something to me...And nothing to you...It was different." 

Buck: " You're fucking crazy. You know that?" He laughed grabbing your face. " Let me show you something now." That's when he pulled you in quickly for a passionate kiss. Sam broke the romance of it.

Sam: "It's about damn time!" He cheered.

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