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They watched in shock, as they really didn't expect that to happen. Steve was the first to run towards you

Steve: " Y/N!?" Buck followed growling.

Buck: "If she's dead, I'll fucking kill her!" Followed by Loki and then Thor

Loki: " She's idiotic! I hope you all know that!"

Thor: " We need to get her to Banner." He was practically in tears. Steve picked your limp body up off the ground carrying you the entire way back home. After a few hours Bruce had you hooked up to oxygen. Sam was sitting next to the head of the bed looking down at you.

Sam: " Will she be alright?" 

Bruce: " Phoebe used the majority of her own powers instead of combining the stones. At this rate she could slowly get better, or she could be gone within the hour. That part isn't certain. What is, is she isn't going to be able to walk properly for a while if she wakes."

Buck: " She'll wake up. Sam, I need to talk to you."  While Buck went to talk with Sam, Steve noticed how uncomfortable you looked. Steve crawled into the bed next to you. He flipped you over just slightly, enough for you to lay on your side. He pulled you as close as he could to him.

Peter: " What are you doing?" 

Steve: " Her back hurts her from lying on it. Always has." He closed his eyes letting out a smirk.

Peter: " Oh... Do you think she'll wake up?"

Steve: " Buck knows her better than anyone. If he says she will. I believe it."

Peter: " Mr. Stark really wanted her at the funeral." 

Thor: "Why her specifically?" Thor was confused. They weren't close at all.

Peter: "He wouldn't tell me. And didn't get a chance to...If I'm being honest." His face was red and puffy from the stress, and tears.

(Flash forward three days)

You haven't made any progress, but haven't decreased in health. Everyone was becoming impatient and on edge. Loki in particular.

Loki: "It's been three days...Have any of you even tried to communicate?" 

Buck: " She's tired. Last I checked no one asked you here. So, if you're going to be so impatient leave." He growled.

Loki: " I WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" He growled getting into Buck's face.

Buck: " Why? So,  you don't feel bad about yourself?"

Loki: " At least I didn't leave her only to come back again, and leave again." He growled.

Buck: " I DIED!"

Bruce: " I didn't even know killers could care so much." 

Buck: " How original. How about maybe...Just maybe! Hear me out. Instead of starring at a computer screen all day, you get off your ass and do something useful."

Sam: " How about you quit acting like children.  There's nothing we can do. She doesn't need all this fighting to stress her out."

Steve: " Sam's right. Plus, the only thing that is going to wake her up at this point is her. Nothing else." 

Your eyelids were heavy, as they fluttered open, the light hurting your eyes. You mumbled as you began to wake. You couldn't speak very well due to the machines. While the others were fighting Thor noticed.

Thor: " BANNER! Remove the machines!" Thor held your hand as everything was removed. " You'll be alright my lady..." He grinned as his voice was rough and deep, yet soft and soothing.

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