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Y/N: "You don't have to do this James..."

Buck: " Yeah, I do." He began to walk away.

Y/N: " You're not the Winter Soldier...Encase no one told you any different." Later on, Buck and Sam met up in a garage.

Sam: " What do you mean you want to break Zemo out of jail? and where the hell did Y/N disappear to this time?"

meanwhile you where hiding around the corner with Zemo.

Z: " Now long do you think until they notice us?"

Y\N: Eh. Give them five minutes..."

Buck:"What if we went through a hypothetical? Lets say we had a secret weapon no one knows exists. and that weapon was capable of using illusions, time, and mind games to cause enough distraction, so someone can use that to their advantage."

Sam: "I don't like how casual you're being about this... This is unnatural.Where are we man!? And where is Y\N?"

Y\N: are you guys done? We don't have all day."

Sam began to freak out, and Buck tried to calm him down.

Sam: " I can't believe you took advantage of Y\N like that!?"

Zemo tried to talk interrupting them. "If I may..."

Sam&Buck: " NO!"

Zemo: " My apologies."

Y/N: " Well, that was mean." You shrugged.

Buck: " When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you backed him. You broke the law, and stuck your neck out for me. I'm asking you to do it again. And I didn't take advantage of Y/N, she wants to help. She may hate me but, she knew I was right on this one."

Zemo: " I really think I'm invaluable..."

Sam: " Shut up." He grunted.

Y/N: " It's like you're trying to push their buttons..." You looked at him in disbelief.

After Sam took a minute to think he looked over at you as you shook your head yes.

Sam: "Okay...If we do this." He pointed at Zemo. " You don't make a move without our permission."

Zemo: "Fair..." He shrugged. 

Y/N: " Finally! Common sense.!" You laughed at Zemo. You all just loaded onto Zemo's plane.

He told the butler to give Sam and Bucky the bad food.

You began to twirl fire in your hands. Y/N: " I actually like you Zemo. Don't fuck it up by giving them bad food."

Zemo: " May I ask...What are you?"

Before you could even answer Buck jumped in.

Buck: "No...You may not." 

Zemo: " Alright, then may I ask who Nakajima is?" 

You jumped in your seat as Buck lunged at Zemo. Metal hand around his throat. 

Buck: "Touch that again, and I'll kill you." 

Y/N: "Hey, come here and sit...He's just trying to get to you." You grabbed the back of his shirt, and tugged on it slightly. He then began talking about the mission.

Zemo: " People forget their flaws and innocent people die...People like Steve Rogers."

Y/N: " Steve was a good man...SCREW THAT! A great one!" Your body was now on fire with a silver color highlighted with a redish color. " Everyone has flaws! But, that doesn't mean they're shitty people...Mistakes happen, and it sucks. But, it doesn't mean they're evil."  You closed your eyes for a second, and began to walk into another part of the plane. " I need to cool off..." 

Sam: "So much, for him just trying to get to us..." Sam sighed.

Later on you 4 were in your disguises.

Sam: " Why do I look like someone's pimp?" 

Y/N: " At least, you're fully clothed..." You were wearing what looked to be a one piece bathing suit, that had see through lace draped over your legs. All black with a silver belt.

You linked arms with Sam as you entered the clubbing area.

Zemo spoke Russian to Buck. You wanted to piss on his fucking face...But, you knew it was for the cover, so you had to deal with it. Z: " Ready to comply...Winter Soldier?"

Long story short, Sam drank raw snake parts, and after that horrible moment Zemo turned to you. Your anxiety was flying high, but you knew you had to stay in character. 

Zemo: "Would you demonstrate your skills love? I'm sure Selby will love to see her new dancer."

I looked at him almost in shock. Buck and Sam looked at you like you were going to blow their cover. You walked over to the pole, and began to dance. You did a Jade split on the pole as your finishing move. You then, sat down crossing your legs, dangling them from a table. You took a man's drink from the table and took a gulp. You felt the touch of skin hit your thigh as you began to go into shock. His hand slid from the outside, almost all the  way to the inside. You, froze, and your shaky hand slowly trying to function just enough to push his hand from your lap. Before, you could get your hand to work Zemo spoke, as Buck had already made his way closer to you.

In Russian : " Winter Soldier...Attack." That's when Buck came over grabbing the man's arm. After fighting this one, others tried to challenge him as everyone was recording the fight. Sam came over to you as he noticed you couldn't breath but, you tried to keep your cool.

You felt bad, that Buck had to do all this. That's when you heard Zemo whisper to you and Sam.

Zemo: " Didn't take much for him to fall back into form." He smirked. 

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